Ships hit by U-boats

Crew lists from ships hit by U-boats


Dutch steam merchant

This is a listing of people associated with this ship.
We also have a detailed page on the Dutch steam merchant Serooskerk.

Aboard Serooskerk when hit on 6 Dec 1942

You can click on any of the names for possible additional information

NameAgeRankServed on
IndianAbdul Aziz, , Merchant NavyCassabSerooskerk +
IndianAbdul Aziz, , Merchant NavyPantrymanSerooskerk +
IndianAbdul Gaffoor, , Merchant NavyLascarSerooskerk +
IndianAbdul Ghani, , Merchant NavyGeneral ServantSerooskerk +
IndianAbdul Hamid, , Merchant NavyGeneral ServantSerooskerk +
IndianAbdul Jalil, , Merchant NavySeamanSerooskerk +
IndianAbdul Karim, , Merchant NavyDeck Bhandary’s MateSerooskerk +
IndianAbdul Razaq, , Merchant NavyCookSerooskerk +
IndianAbdul Razaq, , Merchant NavyChief CookSerooskerk +
IndianAbdul Rub, , Merchant NavyFiremanSerooskerk +
IndianAbdur Rahman, , Merchant NavyCassabSerooskerk +
IndianAfaz-Ud-Din, , Merchant NavySeamanSerooskerk +
IndianAmir Ullah, , Merchant NavyFiremanSerooskerk +
IndianAmir-Ud-Din, , Merchant NavySeamanSerooskerk +
IndianAnfar Ullah, , Merchant NavyWinchmanSerooskerk +
IndianAnwar Ullah, , Merchant NavySeacunnySerooskerk +
BritishAnwyl, John Lloyd, Merchant Navy33Passenger (Second Officer)Serooskerk +
IndianArfan Ali, , Merchant NavyFiremanSerooskerk +
IndianArmas Ali, , Merchant NavySeamanSerooskerk +
IndianBodu, , Merchant NavySeamanSerooskerk +
DutchBoer, Doekele de, Merchant Navy43MasterZuiderkerk, Serooskerk +
IndianBoju Mian, , Merchant NavyTrimmerSerooskerk +
DutchBolland, Johann, Merchant Navy37Second OfficerJagersfontein, Serooskerk +
BritishBrowne, Bernard George, CivilianPassengerSerooskerk +
BritishClark, William Arthur, RNAble Seaman (DEMS gunner)Serooskerk +
BritishClements, Harold, RN26Able Seaman (DEMS gunner)Serooskerk +
BritishCroucher, Frank Edward, British Army24Bombardier (DEMS gunner)Serooskerk +
IndianDarban Ali, , Merchant NavyTrimmerSerooskerk +
IndianDaroga Ali, , Merchant NavySeamanSerooskerk +
DutchDulk, Arie den, Merchant Navy20Assistant EngineerSerooskerk +
DutchDulk, Leonard Diederik den, Merchant Navy22Assistant EngineerSerooskerk +
IndianDurga, , Merchant NavyTopassSerooskerk +
BritishDyson, Joseph, British Army22Gunner (DEMS gunner)Serooskerk +
BritishEnsor, John Pitt, RNVR36Passenger (Lieutenant-Commander)Serooskerk +
IndianEntaz Ali, , Merchant NavyFiremanSerooskerk +
IndianFaiz Ali, , Merchant NavyFiremanSerooskerk +
IndianFarman Ullah, , Merchant NavyFiremanSerooskerk +
BritishForbes, David Kenneth, RNVR33Passenger (Lieutenant)Serooskerk +
DutchGabriëlse, Johannes, Merchant Navy40Chief OfficerSerooskerk +
South AfricanGillitt, Anthony Robert, Merchant Navy16Passenger (Cadet)Serooskerk +
BritishGuasco, Ernest, CivilianPassengerSerooskerk +
IndianHabib Ullah, , Merchant NavySeamanSerooskerk +
IndianHabib Ullah, , Merchant NavySecond TindalSerooskerk +
IndianHamid Ullah, , Merchant NavyTrimmerSerooskerk +
IndianHarmuz Ullah, , Merchant NavyFiremanSerooskerk +
IndianHasan Ali, , Merchant NavyDeck SerangSerooskerk +
IndianHashmat Ali, , Merchant NavyTindalSerooskerk +
BritishHenrick, Douglas Haig Nivelle, British Army25Gunner (DEMS gunner)Serooskerk +
BritishHills, Fredrick William, British Army23Gunner (DEMS gunner)Serooskerk +
IndianIman Ali, , Merchant NavyFiremanSerooskerk +
IndianJaban Ullah, , Merchant NavyGreaserSerooskerk +
IndianJafar Ullah, , Merchant NavyTrimmerSerooskerk +
IndianJakar-Ud-Din, , Merchant NavyLascarSerooskerk +
DutchJobse, Gerrit, Merchant Navy52Chief StewardSerooskerk +
IndianKabir Ullah, , Merchant NavyTrimmerSerooskerk +
IndianKala Mian, , Merchant NavyTrimmerSerooskerk +
DutchKalisvaart, Jacob, Merchant Navy23Fourth OfficerJagersfontein, Serooskerk +
DutchKorte, Cornelis de, Merchant Navy19Assistant EngineerZuiderkerk, Serooskerk +
DutchKrispijn, Dirk, Merchant Navy46Chief Engineer OfficerZuiderkerk, Serooskerk +
IndianLukman Husain, , Merchant NavySeamanSerooskerk +
BritishMacilwaine, Gordon, Merchant Navy34Passenger (Third Officer)Serooskerk +
DutchMak, Johannes, Merchant Navy30Third OfficerSerooskerk +
IndianMaqbul Ahmad, , Merchant NavySeamanSerooskerk +
IndianMasmut Allee, , Merchant NavyLascarSerooskerk +
IndianMehar Ullah, , Merchant NavyTrimmerSerooskerk +
IndianMonu, , Merchant NavyGeneral ServantSerooskerk +
IndianMuhabbat Ullah, , Merchant NavyFiremanSerooskerk +
IndianMuhammad, , Merchant NavyBhandarySerooskerk +
IndianMuhammad Aksir, , Merchant NavyFiremanSerooskerk +
IndianMuhammad Ismail, , Merchant NavyFirst TindalSerooskerk +
IndianMuhammad Qasim, , Merchant NavySeamanSerooskerk +
IndianMuhammad Rauf, , Merchant NavyGeneral ServantSerooskerk +
IndianMuhammad Shafi, , Merchant NavyGeneral ServantSerooskerk +
IndianMuhammad Yusuf, , Merchant NavySeamanSerooskerk +
IndianMuklas Ali, , Merchant NavyDonkeymanSerooskerk +
IndianMuntaz Ali, , Merchant NavyFiremanSerooskerk +
IndianNawab Ali, , Merchant NavySeamanSerooskerk +
IndianNazir Ali, , Merchant NavySeacunnySerooskerk +
BritishNewman, Charles John, CivilianPassengerSerooskerk +
DutchOlmen, Karel David van, Merchant Navy29Third Engineer OfficerPaulus Potter, Serooskerk +
IndianPatu, , Merchant NavyTopassSerooskerk +
DutchPoster, Robert Egbert, Merchant Navy21Deck ApprenticeSerooskerk +
IndianQadir Ali, , Merchant NavyBhandarySerooskerk +
IndianRahim Ullah, , Merchant NavyFiremanSerooskerk +
IndianRamzan Ali, , Merchant NavyFiremanSerooskerk +
IndianRangila Mian, , Merchant NavyTrimmerSerooskerk +
IndianRazib Ullah, , Merchant NavyGreaserSerooskerk +
IndianRoshan Ali, , Merchant NavyBhandarySerooskerk +
IndianRosi Ullah, , Merchant NavySerangSerooskerk +
BritishRugg, James, RN20Able Seaman (DEMS gunner)Serooskerk +
IndianSafar Maluk, , Merchant NavySeacunnySerooskerk +
IndianSafat Ullah, , Merchant NavyFiremanSerooskerk +
IndianSamruz Ali, , Merchant NavyDonkeymanSerooskerk +
DutchScheur, Roelof van der, Merchant Navy24Radio OperatorSerooskerk +
IndianSheikh Panchu, , Merchant NavyButlerSerooskerk +
IndianSikandar Ali, , Merchant NavySeamanSerooskerk +
IndianSikandar Ali, , Merchant NavyTrimmerSerooskerk +
IndianSlarmuz Ullah, , Merchant NavyLascarSerooskerk +
IndianTayab Mian, , Merchant NavyGreaserSerooskerk +
IndianTayab Ullah, , Merchant NavyFiremanSerooskerk +
DutchTinge, Willem, Merchant Navy29Assistant EngineerJagersfontein, Serooskerk +
IndianUsman Ullah, , Merchant NavyFiremanSerooskerk +
BritishVickers, Walton, RNAble Seaman (DEMS gunner)Serooskerk +
IndianWaji Din, , Merchant NavySeacunnySerooskerk +
BritishWhitcombe, Frederick Harold, RM42Sergeant (DEMS gunner)Serooskerk +
DutchWilberding, Franz Gerhard, Merchant Navy42Second Engineer OfficerZuiderkerk, Serooskerk +
BritishWilliams, Stuart John Quare, Merchant Navy17Passenger (Cadet)Serooskerk +
IndianZamir, , Merchant NavyTopassSerooskerk +

108 persons found.

Served on indicates the ships we have listed for the person, some were stationed on multiple ships hit by U-boats.

People missing from this listing? Or perhaps additional information?
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