| by Dmitriev, Vladimir Ivanovich (Submarines attacking) (1964, ) 341 pages Description: A general history of Soviet submarine operations during World War II. Visit our page for this title |
 | by Osipenko, L.G., Zhil'tsov, L.M., and Mormul', N.G. (Nuclear underwater epic: Achievements, failures, and catastrophes) Podvigi, neudachi, katastrofy (1994, Borges, Moskva) 400 pages Description: First attempt to write a brief objective history of the Soviet nuclear submarine fleet (as opposed to the official "victory reports"), from the point ... Visit our page for this title |
 | by Mormul', N.G. (Nuclear, unique, strategic) (1997, 999, Murmansk) 267 pages Description: This book may be considered a supplement to Atomnaia podvodnaia epopeia. Visit our page for this title |
| by Sotnikov, Ivan Mikhailovich (Aviation against submarines) (1970, Voenizdat, Moskva) 206 pages Description: Covers aerial anti-submarine warfare. Visit our page for this title |
| by Puzyrev, V.P. (The arctic fleet in World War II) (1981, Voennoe izdatel'stvo Ministerstva oborony SSSR, Moskva) 221 pages Visit our page for this title |
| by Negoda, Grigorii Pudovich (Merciless) (1961, ) 108 pages Description: About the Soviet minelayer Besposhchadnyi ("Merciless") in World War II. Visit our page for this title |
| by Belli, V.A. and Penzin, K.V. (Battles in the Atlantic and the Mediterranean, 1939-1945) (1967, Voenizdat, Moskva) 480 pages Visit our page for this title |
 | by Apalkov, Yu. V. (Japanese Fleet Warships: The Submarines Oct. 1918 - Aug. 1945, A Manual) (1999, Galeya Print St. Petersburg) ISBN 581720021X Paperback, 230 pages, numerous 1/400th scale drawings and sections, 8 pp of photos Description: A marvelous manual for every sublover, providing he can read Russian. Every class of Japanese submarines described in great detail, with a day after o ... Visit our page for this title |
| by Thomas, Lowell (Raiders of the Deep) (1940, Voenno-Morskoe Izdatelstvo NKMF SSSR, Moskva) Hardcover, 142 pages, no maps, no photos Description: Mr. Thomas wrote this book in the early 1920s, traveling to Germany to interview many of the U-boat skippers and crews from the Kaiser's U-boat fleet. ... - This book has been translated from another language Visit our page for this title |
| by Basov, A. V. (The fleet in World War II, 1941-1945: Operational and strategic comparisons) Opyt operativno-strategicheskogo primeneniia (1980, Akademiia nauk SSSR, Moskva) 304 pages Description: Comparison of Soviet and German naval operations in World War II. Visit our page for this title |
| by Gibson, Richard Henry (The German submarine war 1914-1918) (1935, Gos. voen. isd. Narkomata oborony SSSR) 314 pages Description: Analysis of the submarine war from
the British point of view, detailing all the German
submarines, fates, commanders, sinking locations,
postwar f ... - This book has been translated from another language Visit our page for this title |
| by Antonov, A.M. (German Elektroboot Types XXI, XXIII) (1997, Izdatelstvo Gangut) Paperback, 48 pages, 19 photos, 7 drawings, 7 tables Description: Detailed information on these types of U-boats. Visit our page for this title |
| by Sergeev, Andrej (German U-Boats in the Arctic 1941-1942) (2003, ZAO Russkiy Izdatelskiy Dom) ISBN 5990009917 Hardcover, 304 pages, 31 maps Description: This book covers the actions of German submarines against Allied shipping in the Arctic in 1941-1942. Very detailed and highly professional book (like ... Visit our page for this title |
 | by Gaier, A. (German submarines 1914-1918) (1998, Zitadel, St. Petersburg) Paperback, 88 pages, b&w photos, diagrams Description: Only 800 copies of this book were printed. Visit our page for this title |
| by Mormul', N.G. (Underwater catastrophes) (1999, Elteco, Murmansk) 572 pages Description: An overview of post-WWII submarine casualties and accidents. Broad source of lesser-known facts about Soviet submarine accidents. Lots of pictures, di ... Visit our page for this title |
 | by Platonov, A.V. and Lur'ye, V.M. (Commanders of Soviet Submarines 1941-1945) (1999, Citadel, Sankt-Peterburg) 124 pages Description: Comprehensive handbook containing little-known facts about WWII Soviet submarine operations, lot of photos, statistics, and extracts from battle order ... Visit our page for this title |
 | by Stvolinsky, Yu. (Submersible Ships Designers: A Documented Stories Of The Creators Of The Soviet Fleet Of The Deep) Dokumyentalnye rasskazy o sozdatyelyakh sovetskogo flota morskikh glubin (2001, Lenizdat, Leningrad) Paperback, 255 pages, 16 pages of photos Description: Biographies of designers of Russian and Soviet diesel boats, including many narratives by the eyewitnesses. Interesting reading, though sometimes prop ... Visit our page for this title |
 | by Berezhnoy, S.S. (Ships of the Fatherland: Submarines 1903-1917) Podvodniye lodki 1903-1917, Part I (1996, ATF Kharkov) Paperback, 64 pages, tens of drawings and (blurry) photos Description: A manual of the Imperial Russian subs, with all classes covered with at least a silhouette and data, with detailed ships histories and WW1 operational ... Visit our page for this title |
| by Samsonov, A.M. (The Baltic fleet in World War II, 1941-1945) (1981, Izdatel'stvo Nauka, Moskva) 501 pages, photos Visit our page for this title |
 | by Atchkasov, V.I., editor (Red Banner Baltic Fleet In The Closing Phase Of The Great Patriotic War 1944-1945) (1975, Izdatel'stvo Nauka, Moskva) Hardcover, 488 pages, maps, foldout map, photos and tables Description: An extensive outline of Soviet Baltic Fleet activities in the last year of WWII, with chapters on every facet of the BF operations, from coastal artil ... Visit our page for this title |
| by Solov'ev, Georgii (The moral coefficient: Stories about submariners) Rasskazy o podvodnikakh (1944, Molodaia gvardiia, Moskva) 126 pages Description: The four short stories in this book deal with Soviet submariners in World War II. In Poedinok (Duel), a Soviet sub and a German U-boat stalk each oth ... Visit our page for this title |
| by Hashagen, Ernst (On a submarine: Off the British shore, 1914-1918) U beregov Anglii, 1914-1918 (1937, Gos. voen. isd. Narkomata oborony SSSR) 216 pages - This book has been translated from another language Visit our page for this title |
| by Lieutenant Vedi (On a submarine in 1916) (1997, Citadel, Sankt-Peterburg) 48 pages Description: Reprint of the brochure issued in 1917 in St-Petersburg. The author, hidden under the pseudonym Lieutenant Vedi (or Lieutenant Victor - English equiva ... Visit our page for this title |
| by Karschawin, Boris (The German submarine U-250: New documents and facts) Novye dokumenty i fakty (1996, Nevskoe vremia, Sankt-Peterburg) ISBN 5882600138 71 pages Description: A well-researched book about the U-250. - This book has been translated into other languages Visit our page for this title |
| by Dönitz, Karl (German submarines in the second world war) (1964, ) 456 pages Description: Written by himself about his time as Commander-in-Chief U-boats (10 years) and as the last head of state of the Third Reich (20 days). - This book has been translated from another language Visit our page for this title |
| by Chernyshev, Igor' Petrovich (On friends and comrades) (1981, Lenizdat, Leningrad) 224 pages Description: About the Soviet Union's Baltic fleet in World War II. Visit our page for this title |
| by Travinichev, A. (Notes on submarine warfare: World War I) imperialisticheskaia voina 1914-1918 (1938, Gos. voen. isd. Narkomata oborony SSSR) 197 pages, maps Visit our page for this title |
| by Isakov, I.S. (Oceanography, geography, and military history: Selected works) Izbrannye trudy (1984, Nauka, Moskva) 584 pages Description: This book does not relate directly to submarine operations, but many of the articles contain various data about submarine warfare, operations, etc. Mo ... Visit our page for this title |
| by Shchekotov, E. (Submarine hunters) (1960, Voennoe izdatel'stvo, Moskva) 125 pages Description: About Soviet anti-submarine warfare. Visit our page for this title |
| by Bunich, Igor (The Führer's pirates) (1998, Oblik, Sankt-Peterburg) ISBN 5859760272 599 pages Description: Contents: Across Three Oceans (the round-the-world voyage of the auxiliary cruiser Atlantis); The Bloody Adventures of the Pocket Battleship Admiral ... Visit our page for this title |
| by Konstantinov, Filipp Vasil'evich (Beneath the cold waves) (1971, Voenizdat, Moskva) 118 pages Description: The World War II exploits of the Soviet submarine D-3 (Krasnogvardeets). Visit our page for this title |
| by Infant'ev, Vadim (Submarines: Stories and sketches) Rasskazy i ocherki (1984, Detskaia Literatura, Leningrad) Hardcover, 123 pages, illustrations Description: A collection of stories about the exploits of Soviet submariners in both world wars. Although written for a younger audience, its fast-moving and dram ... Visit our page for this title |
 | by Platonov, A.V. (Submarines) (2002, Poligon, Sankt-Peterburg) ISBN 5891731819 Hardcover, 254 pages, numerous photos, b&w and color drawings Description: History of submarines from their beginning to the present. Russian sourcebook of submarines. Visit our page for this title |
 | by Balakin, S.A, and Morozov, M.E. (S-Class Submarines) (2000, Modellist-Konstruktor, Moskva) Paperback, 32 pages, photos, drawings, paint schemes, artworks Description: A monograph of the most successful Soviet medium sub type of WW2, the S-Class, a development of the Type IA U-boat. Operational histories of all S-Cla ... Visit our page for this title |
 | by Trusov, G.M. (Submarines In Russian And Soviet Navy) (1957, SUDPROM GIZ Leningrad) Hardcover, 384 pages, numerous photos, drawings and fold-out sections Description: A thorough account of the history of submarine design and use in mostly Imperial Russian Navy, written by a former IRN submariner. The Soviet Navy par ... Visit our page for this title |
 | by Morozov, Miroslav (Soviet Navy Submarines In Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. Part One - Red Banner Baltic Fleet) Letopis boevikh pokhodov (A Combat Patrol Chronicle) (2001, Izdatelstvo Poligon, Moscow) Hardcover, 96 pages, 100+ photos, numerous maps and sketches Description: A detailed combat log of the entire Soviet Baltic Fleet submarine force from the first day of war till spring of 1945, including Marinesco’s S-13 si ... Visit our page for this title |
 | by Ignatyev, E.P. (Series XII Submarines) (1996, Izdatelstvo Gangut) ISBN 5858750354 Paperback, 32 pages, line drawings, sections, photos Description: A monograph of the second wave of the Soviet small Malyutka-Class subs, with design and construction story, the operational histories of the boats, ex ... Visit our page for this title |
| by Eremeev, L.M. and A.P. Shergin (Submarines of foreign fleets in the second world war.) (1962, Voennoe isdatel'stvo ministerstva oborony SSSR. Moskva) Description: Consists almost solely of tables. Includes information on submarines of Germany, Britain, Italy, Japan, and the US during World War II. German submar ... Visit our page for this title |
| by Suzdalev, Nikolai Ivanovich (Submarines versus submarines) (1968, Voenizdat, Moskva) 163 pages Description: About anti-submarine warfare. Visit our page for this title |
 | by Kulagin, K.L. and Morozov, M.E. (Schch-Class Submarines (Part 1)) III, V, V-bis i V-bis 2 serii (2002, Modellist-Konstruktor, Moskva) Paperback, 32 pages, numerous b&w photos and color plates, detailed design drawings of conning towers and more Description: A modeller's reference book on the workhorse of the Soviet submarine force, the ubiquitous Schch-Class boat, dealing with early, prewar series of thes ... Visit our page for this title |
 | by Schaeffer, Heinz (Last voyage of U-977) (1998, Citadel, Sankt-Peterburg) 112 pages Description: Autobiography of the commander. It tells the story of U-977's last voyage at the end of the war which culminated in a marathon escape to Argentina. - This book has been translated from another language Visit our page for this title |
| by Shtal', A.V. (Development of submarine tactics 1914-1918 in the major naval theaters) (1936, Gos. voen. isd. Narkomata oborony SSSR) 216 pages Visit our page for this title |
| by Khijajnen, L.P. (Development of foreign submarines and their tactics.) (1988, Voennoe Isdatel'stvo, Moskva) Description: The book compares submarine fleets and tactics of Italy, Japan, Germany, USA, and the UK - the Soviet Union's main capitalist rivals in this military ... Visit our page for this title |
| by Strizhak, O. (Secrets of Baltic submariners) (1996, Pushkinskij fond) 254 pages Description: Submarine warfare in the Baltic theatre during WWII from another point of view. Begins with the very short preface: "Death and prejudices - very Russi ... Visit our page for this title |
| by Dmitriev V.I. (Soviet submarine construction) (1990, Voenizdat) ISBN 5203002541 Hardcover, 266 pages Description: The complete history of design and construction of Soviet submarines 1929-1945. Technical data, complete list of boats. Soviet Naval construction prog ... Visit our page for this title |
 | by Platonov, A.V. (Soviet warships 1941 - 1945) III. Podvodniye lodki (Submarines) (1996, Citadel, Sankt-Peterburg) Paperback, 168 pages, 4 photos, some drawings Description: A manual of Russian submarines of World War II, covering all classes, with data and detailed ships histories and World War II operational histories. Visit our page for this title |
 | by Werner, Herbert A. (Iron Coffins) (2001, ZAO Izdatelstvo CENTRPOLIGRAF) ISBN 5227012458 Hardcower, 474 pages, incut with photos Description: Herbert A. Werner was the Commander of U-415 and U-953. This book tells the story of his wartime career, including his service on U-557 and U-230 as w ... - This book has been translated from another language Visit our page for this title |
| by Bratbak, Bjørn (The Svensgrunn April 12, 1943 - In war innocents suffer) (2000, Sjømilitære Samfund - Norsk Tidsskrift for Sjøvesen) ISBN 8292217010 Hardcover, 135 pages, photos Description: About the attack of the Soviet submarine K-21 on Norwegian fishermen at Svensgrunnen on April 12, 1943; and the K-21 crewman who fell overboard, was p ... - This book has been translated from another language Visit our page for this title |
| by Moskovskii klub istorii flota: Little-known stories of the second world war at sea, 1939-1945 (Secrets of the submarine war) Maloizvestnye stranitsy Vtoroi mirovoi voiny na more, 1939-1945 (1995, Moskovskii klub istorii flota, Moskva) 108 pages Visit our page for this title |
| by Busch, Harald (Such was the U-boat war) (1965, Voennoe Izdatelstvo Ministerstva oborony SSSR, Moskva) 301 pages Description: A general, well-written overview of the U-boat war. - This book has been translated from another language Visit our page for this title |
 | by Korshunov, Yu.L., and Uspenskiy, G.V. (Imperial Russian Fleet Torpedoes) (1993, Izdatelstvo Gangut) ISBN 5858750257 Paperback, 32 pages, photos, color plate, line drawings and mechanism schemes Description: A monograph of the Imperial Russian Navy torpedoes, from the 1875 Alexandrovskiy Torpedo, through the Whitehead torpedoes (M1876,78, 80, 85, 86, 98 & ... Visit our page for this title |
 | by Korshunov, Yu.L., and Strokov, A.A. (Soviet Navy Torpedoes) (1994, Izdatelstvo Gangut) ISBN 5858750133 Paperback, 32 pages, color plate, line drawings and mechanism schemes Description: History of Soviet torpedo design and manufacture, from the 45-15, through the 53-27, up to the 53-38 and the modern guided weapons. Electric torpedoes ... Visit our page for this title |
| by Kolyshkin, Ivan Aleksandrovich (In the depths of the polar sea) (1970, ) Hardcover, 328 pages Description: About Soviet submarine operations in the Arctic in World War II. Visit our page for this title |
| by Vlasov, Lev Aleksandrovich (Silence in the compartments) (1964, ) 91 pages, photos Description: About Soviet submariners in World War II. Visit our page for this title |
| by Travkin, Ivan Vasil'evich (In the grey Baltic waters) (1959, ) 133 pages Description: The author, who commanded the Soviet sub Shch-303 in the Baltic in World War II, expands upon his memoirs (see Vsem smertiam nazlo) and discusses othe ... Visit our page for this title |
| by Golovko, Arsenii Grigor'evich (With the fleet) (1960, Voenizdat, Moskva) 268 pages, photos, maps Description: A history of Soviet naval operations in World War II by Admiral Golovko. - This book has been translated into other languages Visit our page for this title |
| by Travkin, Ivan Vasil'evich (Scorning death) (1964, ) 164 pages, photos Description: The author describes his experiences as commander of the Soviet sub Shch-303 in the Baltic during World War II. He continues his memoirs in V vodakh s ... Visit our page for this title |
| by Zhigalov, Ivan Matveevich (Banner of our fathers) (1977, Izdatel'stvo DOSAAF SSSR, Moskva) 157 pages Description: About the Baltic and Black Sea Soviet fleets in World War II. Visit our page for this title |