British Battleships, 1919-1945, Revised Edition R. A. Burt
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Books dealing with this subject include
Boot, Das. Andrea Miniatures, 2002.
British Battleships, 1919-1945, Revised Edition. R. A. Burt, 2012.
British Destroyers 1892 to 1953. March, Edgar J, 2003.
British Warships of the Second World War. Roberts, John, 2001.
Charente Maritime Vendée 39-45. Brothe, Eric, Chazette, Alain, Reberac, Fabien, 1997.
Deutsche Uniformen 1939-1945. Lagarde, Jean de, 1998.
German Capital Ships of the Second World War. Siegfried Breyer, 2012.
Geschichte des deutschen U-Bootbaues. Rössler, Eberhard, (transl.)
Hellions of the Deep. Gannon, Robert, 1996.
Hitler's Gray Wolves. Lawrence Paterson, 2017.
Hitler's Grey Wolves. Paterson, Lawrence, 2004.
The Last Big-Gun Naval Battle. Sauer, Howard, 1999.
The Man Who Never Was. Montagu, Ewen, 2001.
On Fortune's Side. Anthony Molloy, 2012.
Operacja Worek. Damski, Zbigniew, 1979.
Planrolle. Köhl, Fritz,
Planrolle. Köhl, Fritz and Niestle, Axel,
Planrolle. Köhl, Fritz and Niestle, Axel,
Podvodyie lodki tipa Schch (Chast 1). Kulagin, K.L. and Morozov, M.E., 2002.
Raising the Red Banner. Yakubov, Vladimir, 2008.
Standing into danger. Anthony Molloy, 2012.
The Buckley-Class Destroyer Escorts. Bruce Hampton Franklin, 1999.
The Type VII U-Boat. Westwood, David, 1984. (transl.)
Uboot Typ VII. Westwood, David, 1986.
Unterseebootsbau. Gabler, Ulrich, 1996. (transl.)
Vom Original zum Modell, Uboottyp IXC. Köhl, Fritz and Niestle, Axel, 1990.
Vom Original zum Modell, Uboottyp VIIC. Köhl, Fritz, 1997.
Vom Original zum Modell, Uboottyp XXI. Köhl, Fritz, 1988.
Vom Original zum Modell, Uboottyp XXIII. Köhl, Fritz and Rössler, Eberhard, 1993.
Vom Original zum Modell: Typ XVIII und Typ XXVI. Rössler, Eberhard, 1998.
Vom Original zum Modell: Uboottyp II - Die Einbäume. Rössler, Eberhard, 1999.
Vom Original zum Modell: Uboottyp XVII. Rössler, Eberhard and Köhl, Fritz, 1995.