General Discussions
This is the place to discuss general issues related to the U-boat war or the war at sea in WWII.
Re: Post war tin fish.
Posted by:
Date: October 19, 2001 01:13AM
The question like Kurt stated, and you had said yourself is, did the US have any wire guided eels or concepts during WWII??? Maybe, maybe not. I am a little puzzled about a strange question you asked, I'm now needing to prove the US did not have wire guided????
I have been visting this board since it was started. There are some, and I believe your from the same camp, that states that there is no way, or if any it was very very slight, that the allies learned anything from German uboat technologies from the war. Those that that know anything about post war and modern subs and the concepts they follow understand where a lot of it began, from wire guided eels and antitank weapons to the concept and R&D of firing rockets from subs, it was not done before but it is done now. We have already been down that rode a few months back on this forum.</HTML>
The question like Kurt stated, and you had said yourself is, did the US have any wire guided eels or concepts during WWII??? Maybe, maybe not. I am a little puzzled about a strange question you asked, I'm now needing to prove the US did not have wire guided????
I have been visting this board since it was started. There are some, and I believe your from the same camp, that states that there is no way, or if any it was very very slight, that the allies learned anything from German uboat technologies from the war. Those that that know anything about post war and modern subs and the concepts they follow understand where a lot of it began, from wire guided eels and antitank weapons to the concept and R&D of firing rockets from subs, it was not done before but it is done now. We have already been down that rode a few months back on this forum.</HTML>