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This is the forum for Movie and Film discussions. Again, our topic is naval warfare in WWII for the most part. 
Re: An 'Allies'Das Boot ?
Posted by: Barry Scully ()
Date: November 01, 2002 08:28AM

Morning Cate,

I was just leaving work when your post arrived. Missread Io's posting and 2+2 equalled 5. Must be all that stuff I smoked in the 60's! Anyway I've got the picture now. I'd LOVE to put my hands on the radio dramatisation of HMS Ulysses. Did you hear the drama/doc the BBC aired a few years ago?,I think it was called "Bomber." It covered 24 hours of the war from both sides and was wonderful. For me, radio drama, when properly done has something that tv or film lacks.I think the the picture is better. Big thanks for solving my Richard (Or should it be Dickie?) Briers problem. Friends in high places indeed ! Now to get a copy. I cannot think how I failed to make the Le Carre connection viz a viz Ian Ricardson, (see sentence 3 ) I was thinking of him and a possible Penny Wilton character working together, with her involvement coming as a total surprise close to the end. I have no doubt the lovely Penelope would carry it off beautifully.

I've just read Adam's posting. What a plot. Definately a movie there.

I'm expecting a copy of HMS Ulysses through the mail, courtesy of a kind poster.

I really HAVE to read it again.

Do Chara


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Subject Written By Posted
An 'Allies'Das Boot ? Barry Scully 10/22/2002 11:30AM
Re: An 'Allies'Das Boot ? Io Chrysafidou 10/22/2002 07:22PM
Re: An 'Allies'Das Boot ? Barry Scully 10/23/2002 06:53AM
Re: An 'Allies'Das Boot ? MCE 10/23/2002 04:14PM
Re: An 'Allies'Das Boot ? cate 10/24/2002 04:54PM
Re: An 'Allies'Das Boot ? Barry Scully 10/25/2002 08:47AM
Re: An 'Allies'Das Boot ? Barry Scully 10/25/2002 11:14AM
Re: An 'Allies'Das Boot ? cate 10/26/2002 09:55AM
Re: An 'Allies'Das Boot ? Barry Scully 10/29/2002 08:51AM
Re: An 'Allies'Das Boot ? cate 10/31/2002 04:41AM
Re: An 'Allies'Das Boot ? Barry Scully 10/31/2002 08:50AM
Re: An 'Allies'Das Boot ? cate 10/31/2002 02:37PM
Re: An 'Allies'Das Boot ? cate 10/31/2002 07:09AM
Re: An 'Allies'Das Boot ? Barry Scully 10/31/2002 03:43PM
Re: An 'Allies'Das Boot ? cate 10/31/2002 11:06PM
Re: An 'Allies'Das Boot ? Barry Scully 11/01/2002 08:28AM
Re: An 'Allies'Das Boot ? cate 11/01/2002 09:31AM
casting HMS Ulysses cate 11/04/2002 09:08PM
Re: An 'Allies'Das Boot ? -proposal Adam Zieba 10/31/2002 04:32PM
Re: An 'Allies'Das Boot ? -proposal cate 11/01/2002 09:59AM

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