Crew 4/06
The following men were from crew 4/06, click on any of the names for a full profile page on that commander.
| Rank | Commander | Commands |
| Kptlt. | Woldemar Adam | UB 73 |
| Kptlt. | Kurt Albrecht + | UB 24, UB 36, UC 53, U 32 |
 | Kptlt. | Gustav Amberger | U 80, U 58 |
| Kptlt. | Franz Becker | UC 14, UC 20, UB 50 |
 | Oblt. | Herbert Breyer | UC 32 |
 | Kptlt. | Gustav Deuerlich | UC 40 |
| Kptlt. | Rudolf Gebeschus + | UB 35, UB 35, UB 63 |
| Kptlt. | Bernhard Gerke | UC 91, UB 149 |
| Kptlt. | Franz Grünert | U 30, U 60 |
| Kptlt. | Erich Haecker | UB 6, UC 79 |
| Kptlt. | Waldemar Haumann | U 52, UB 94 |
| Kptlt. | Karl (i.V.) Jasper | U 60 |
 | Kptlt. | Herbert Lefholz | UB 33, UB 23, UC 59 |
 | Kptlt. | Wilhelm Marschall | UC 74, UB 105 |
 | Kptlt. | Hans von Mellenthin | UB 43, UB 49, U 120 |
| Kptlt. | Karl Neureuther | UC 55, UB 74, UB 73 |
 | Kptlt. | Georg Paech | UC 75 |
| Kptlt. | Karl Petri | UC 49, UC 49, UB 87 |
| Kptlt. | Bernhard Putzier | UB 22, UB 62 |
| Kptlt. | Reinhard von Rabenau | UC 77, UB 88 |
| Kptlt. | Fritz Reiche | UC 96 |
| Kptlt. | Johannes Remy + | UC 56, UB 70 |
 | Kptlt. | Heinrich XXXVII Prinz Reuß zu Köstritz | UC 54, UB 130 |
| Kptlt. | Ludwig Karl Sahl | UB 32, UC 52 |
| Kptlt. | Martin Schelle + | UC 33, UB 65 |
 | Kptlt. | Matthias Graf von Schmettow + | UC 6, UC 26, UB 10, UB 23 |
| Oblt. | Siegfried Schmidt + | UB 3 |
| Kptlt. | Otto von Schrader | UC 31, UB 35, UB 64, UB 64, U 53 |
| Kptlt. | Gerhard Schulz | UC 27, UB 67, UB 131 |
 | Oblt. | Friedrich Karl Sichart von Sichartshofen | UB 41 |
 | Oblt. | Wilhelm Smiths | UB 5, UB 26 |
| Kptlt. | Friedrich Ulrich | U 101 |
 | Kptlt. | Max Viebeg | UC 10, UB 20, UB 32, UC 65, UB 80 |
| Kptlt. | Ernst von Voigt | UB 8, UC 35, U 73, U 35 |
 | Kptlt. | Erwin Waßner | UC 3, UB 38, UC 69, UB 59, UB 117 |
| 35 men from Crew 4/06 located.
We have a photo of the commander.
We have personal info for the commander. + means the man died in the war (6 of these 35 men fell).