Patrol info for U-103
Date lookup for 27 Apr 1943
Departure | Arrival / Fate | Duration | ||
24 Apr 1943 | Lorient | 26 May 1943 | Lorient | 33 days |
Commander | Officers * | |
![]() Kptlt. Gustav-Adolf Janssen |
1WO![]() Oblt. Wilhelm Brauel |
1WO![]() Ltn. Otto Wermuth |
U-103's position on 27 Apr 1943
Wolfpack operations during this patrol
U-103 operated with the following Wolfpacks during this patrol
Amsel 4 (4 May 1943 - 6 May 1943)
Rhein (7 May 1943 - 10 May 1943)
Elbe 2 (10 May 1943 - 14 May 1943)
Ships hit by U-103 on this date
General Events during this patrol
We have no events listed for this date.
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Attacks on U-103 during this patrol
27 Apr 1943
00.05 hrs, Bay of Biscay, outbound: Wellington bomber M for Mother from 172 Sqn RAF located U-103 on radar and made a Leigh Light attack, but the boat was warned by the radar detector, and dived in time to evade six depth charges which exploded harmlessly ahead of her. The Wellington circled the area and then approached a second radar contact which proved to be U-566, left unable to dive by an earlier air attack. The aircraft had no depth charges left and returned to base after an exchange of gunfire. (Sources: KTBs/ADM 199-1784)
About this data
If you believe we have missed an attack on a German U-boat in this listing please let us know.
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* These are officers that later became commanders themselves.