Patrol info for U-103
Date lookup for 22 May 1943
Departure | Arrival / Fate | Duration | ||
24 Apr 1943 | Lorient | 26 May 1943 | Lorient | 33 days |
Commander | Officers * | |
![]() Kptlt. Gustav-Adolf Janssen |
1WO![]() Ltn. Otto Wermuth |
1WO![]() Oblt. Wilhelm Brauel |
U-103's position on 22 May 1943
Wolfpack operations during this patrol
U-103 operated with the following Wolfpacks during this patrol
Amsel 4 (4 May 1943 - 6 May 1943)
Rhein (7 May 1943 - 10 May 1943)
Elbe 2 (10 May 1943 - 14 May 1943)
Ships hit by U-103 on this date
General Events during this patrol
We have no events listed for this date.
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Attacks on U-103 during this patrol
22 May 1943
14.48 hrs, Bay of Biscay NW of Finisterre, inbound: British Whitley bomber Z9440 (RAF OTU 10/N, pilot F/S D.W. Brookes) was prevented from dropping depth charges by heavy and accurate flak on its initial approach. U-103 dived and escaped unscathed. Damage to the Whitley (misidentified as a Halifax) was slight, and it reached base and landed without incident. (Sources: Franks/Zimmerman)
About this data
If you believe we have missed an attack on a German U-boat in this listing please let us know.
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* These are officers that later became commanders themselves.