Patrol info for U-43
Date lookup for 19 Jul 1943
Departure | Arrival / Fate | Duration | ||
13 Jul 1943 | Lorient | 30 Jul 1943 | Lost | 18 days |
Commander | Officers * |
![]() Oblt. Hans-Joachim Schwantke |
U-43's position on 19 Jul 1943
Ships hit by U-43 on this date
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Attacks on U-43 during this patrol
19 Jul 1943
21.25 hrs, Bay of Biscay, outbound: U-43 and U-403 were attacked by British Liberator Mk.V BZ772 (RAF Sqdn 86/J, pilot F/L W. Roxburgh, DFC). U-403 immediately began to dive, covered by U-43, which fought off a first attack and then dived too. The aircraft suffered some damage and one of the crew was wounded, but the pilot nevertheless dropped two Fido homing torpedoes into the wash and observed a possible hit. Both boats were unharmed, and apparently misinterpreted the sounds of detonation as a crashing aircraft. The Germans claimed to have shot down the aircraft, but it in fact returned to base. (Sources: Franks/Zimmerman)
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* These are officers that later became commanders themselves.