U-boat patrols

Patrol info for U-667

Date lookup for 26 Sep 1943

DepartureArrival / FateDuration
18 Sep 1943St. Nazaire11 Oct 1943St. Nazaire24 days


Officers *

Kptlt. Heinrich-Andreas Schroeteler

U-667's position on 26 Sep 1943

Ships hit by U-667 on this date

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Attacks on U-667 during this patrol

26 Sep 1943
10.40 hrs, 75 miles SW of Cape St Vincent: the boat was located and attacked by yet another Wellington (179 Sqn RAF/X, pilot F/O S.H. Nicholson) searching for the missing Wellington, but the depth charges exploded astern.

The Germans sighted two more aircraft shortly afterwards identified as Beaufighters, but which were in fact Hudsons. Hudsons AE505 (233 Sqn RAF/T, F/O A.G. Frandson) and EW924 (48 Sqn RAF/N, F/O E.L. Ashbury) strafed and fired rockets, but were both forced to return to base by flak damage. U-667 was finally forced to give up her attempt to enter the Mediterranean and returned to base with extensive damage. Over two days the boat had endured no less than eight air attacks, shooting down one attacker and damaging three others.

(Sources: Franks/Zimmerman)

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* These are officers that later became commanders themselves.

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