Patrol info for U-757
Date lookup for 11 Aug 1943
Departure | Arrival / Fate | Duration | ||
7 Jul 1943 | St. Nazaire | 4 Sep 1943 | St. Nazaire | 60 days |
Commander | Officers * |
Kptlt. Friedrich Deetz |
1WO Oblt. (R) Ernst Wilberg |
U-757's position on 11 Aug 1943
Wolfpack operations during this patrol
U-757 operated with the following Wolfpacks during this patrol
Without name (11 Jul 1943 - 29 Jul 1943)
Ships hit by U-757 on this date
General Events during this patrol
We have no events listed for this date.
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Attacks on U-757 during this patrol
11 Aug 1943
At 1232hrs the U-boat was attacked by a New Zealand Catalina flying boat (490 Sqn RNZAF/A, pilot F/O N.A. Ward) about 230 miles south-southwest of Dakar. The U-boat was not damaged by the depth charges that fell 50 meters astern and then escaped by crash diving after keeping the aircraft on distance with the AA guns for 20 minutes. A fifth depth charge failed to release during the attack and fortunately for the crew of the aircraft it also held fast during landing.
About this data
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* These are officers that later became commanders themselves.