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Re: U-boats attacked by allied submarines
Posted by: Platon Alexiades ()
Date: March 22, 2012 03:43PM

Dear Francesco,

Dear Francesco,

I do not think there were any fishing trawlers at all.
Coe believed he saw two trawlers with a submarine.
When Lt. Cdr. Bone looked in the periscope, he realised that it was only a submarine and the two "trawlers" were the two radio antennas of the submarine. Distance was 9,000 yds (about 8,000 meters).
Because the sea was very calm he was bothered by the sun reflection.
He calculated the course of the target by measuring the distance between the two radio antennas, so this was very approximate!
He fired 6 torpedoes (all from the internal tubes) at 6 seconds interval at a range estimated at 3,000 yds (about 2,700 meters). The torpedo speed was 40 knots, four torpedoes were Mk VIII and two of the older Mk IV type.
Bone heard six explosions at the following time after firing:
2 minutes and 48 seconds
2 minutes and 49 seconds
6 minutes and 10 seconds
6 minutes and 20 seconds
9 minutes and 16 seconds
9 minutes and 20 seconds
Bone believed that the first two were hits. The last four were not heard very well because of noises from the target (possibly breaking up?).
The U-boat Assessment Committee (which examined each attack) declared that the U-boat was apparently hit only once and assessed the submarine as "probably sunk".
The last four explosions were probably torpedoes hitting the bottom at the end of their run.
Assuming that the 1st torpedo hit, this would give a range of 3,800 yds (3,500 meters) meaning that Bone's estimate of the range was 800 yds off and his calculation of course partially incorrect at least.
I may be visting the Ufficio Storico in May and hope to meet you again.

Best wishes,

Excuse my Italian but here is a very approximate translation:
Caro Francesco,

Non credo che ci fossero pescherecci a tutti.
Coe creduto vide due pescherecci da traino di un sommergibile.
Quando Lt. Cdr. Bone guardato nel periscopio, si rese conto che era solo un sommergibile e le due "pescherecci" erano le due antenne radio del sottomarino. Distanza era 9.000 yds (circa 8.000 metri).
Poiché il mare era molto calmo è stato disturbato dal riflesso Dom
Si calcola il corso del bersaglio misurando la distanza tra le due antenne radio, quindi questo era molto approssimativa!
Sparò sei siluri (tutti i tubi interni) a 6 intervallo di secondi a una gamma stimata a 3.000 iarde (circa 2.700 metri). La velocità del siluro era di 40 nodi, quattro siluri Mk VIII sono stati e due del tipo più vecchio Mk IV.
Bone sentito sei esplosioni nei seguenti orari dopo la cottura:
2 minuti e 48 secondi
2 minuti e 49 secondi
6 minuti e 10 secondi
6 minuti e 20 secondi
9 minuti e 16 secondi
9 minuti e 20 secondi
Bone credeva che i primi due sono stati successi. Le ultime quattro non sono stati sentiti molto bene a causa di rumori dal bersaglio (possibilmente rompere?).
La U-boat comitato di valutazione (che ha esaminato ogni attacco) ha dichiarato che l'U-boat è stato probabilmente colpito una sola volta e valutato il sottomarino come "probabilmente affondato".
Gli ultimi quattro esplosioni erano probabilmente siluri colpire il fondo alla fine della loro corsa.
Supponendo che il primo siluro, questo darebbe una gamma di 3.800 yds (3.500 metri), il che significa che stima Bone della gamma era di 800 yds off e il suo calcolo, naturalmente, almeno parzialmente inesatto.
I può essere visitare il Storico Ufficio di maggio e spero di incontrarti ancora.

Cordiali saluti,


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Subject Written By Posted
U-boats attacked by allied submarines Platon Alexiades 02/20/2005 07:02PM
Re: U-boats attacked by allied submarines Rodney Martin 02/21/2005 05:26PM
Re: U-boats attacked by allied submarines Platon Alexiades 02/22/2005 04:37AM
Re: U-boats attacked by allied submarines Wiljan Bakers 02/22/2005 01:28PM
Re: U-boats attacked by allied submarines francesco mattesini 03/22/2012 07:10AM
Re: U-boats attacked by allied submarines Platon Alexiades 03/22/2012 03:43PM
Re: U-boats attacked by allied submarines Rainer Kolbicz 02/21/2005 06:20PM
Re: U-boats attacked by allied submarines Walter Schmidt 02/21/2005 09:48PM
Re: U-boats attacked by allied submarines Walter Schmidt 02/21/2005 09:54PM
Re: U-boats attacked by allied submarines GertFroebe 02/21/2005 11:00PM
Re: U-boats attacked by allied submarines ROBERT M. 02/22/2005 07:20AM
Re: U-boats attacked by allied submarines Rainer Bruns 02/22/2005 04:58PM
Re: U-boats attacked by allied submarines ROBERT M. 02/22/2005 07:51PM
Re: U-boats attacked by allied submarines J.T. McDaniel 02/23/2005 12:44AM
Re: U-boats attacked by allied submarines ROBERT M. 02/23/2005 01:47AM
Re: U-boats attacked by allied submarines ROBERT M. 02/23/2005 05:28AM
Re: U-boats attacked by allied submarines Dan Odenweller 02/22/2005 01:51AM
Re: U-boats attacked by allied submarines Joe Cornelius 02/22/2005 12:49PM
Re: U-boats attacked by allied submarines herbert gratz 02/22/2005 02:01PM
Re: U-boats attacked by allied submarines Platon Alexiades 02/22/2005 04:38PM
Re: U-boats attacked by allied submarines Joe Cornelius 02/23/2005 10:54AM
Re: U-boats attacked by allied submarines Platon Alexiades 02/24/2005 02:20AM
Re: U-boats attacked by allied submarines Joe Cornelius 02/24/2005 02:51PM
Re: U-boats attacked by allied submarines Platon Alexiades 02/24/2005 05:06PM
Re: U-boats attacked by allied submarines francesco mattesini 03/19/2012 07:57AM
Re: U-boats attacked by allied submarines Platon Alexiades 03/20/2012 05:43PM
Re: U-boats attacked by allied submarines francesco mattesini 03/22/2012 07:12AM
Re: U-boats attacked by allied submarines R Banfield 08/15/2012 06:33AM

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