Ships hit by U-boats during WWII

Crew lists from ships hit during WWII

Allied Merchant personnel. Country: Maltese.

PersonBorn / deadServed on
MalteseAbela, Emmanuel, Merchant Navy1896-1941Empire Wave +
MalteseAbilla, Joseph, Merchant Navy1891Ocean Justice
MalteseAgius, S.P.J., Merchant Navy1904-1942Nova Scotia +
MalteseAttard, Carmelo, Merchant Navy1921-1941Newbury +
MalteseAttard, Coronato Tarcisio, Merchant Navy1911-1941Newbury +
MalteseAttard, Francis, RN1903-1939HMS Royal Oak (08) +
MalteseAttard, Giuseppe, Merchant Navy1905-1941Newbury +
MalteseAttard, Giuseppe, Merchant Navy1886-1939Thomas Walton +
MalteseAttard, Joseph, Merchant Navy1909-1942Nova Scotia +
MalteseAttard, Lorenzo, RN1912-1939HMS Royal Oak (08) +
MalteseAzzapardi, Salvatore, Merchant Navy1909-1942San Fabian +
MalteseAzzilla, Dimitri, RN1918-1941HMS Barham (04) +
MalteseAzzopardi, Alfred, Merchant Navy1885-1943Zouave +
MalteseAzzopardi, Anthony Mary, RN1919-1939HMS Royal Oak (08) +
MalteseAzzopardi, Charlie Carmilo, Merchant NavyDokka
MalteseAzzopardi, Emanuel, Merchant Navy1905-1941Shuntien +
MalteseAzzopardi, Gerald, Merchant Navy1905-1940British Monarch +

MalteseBalzan, Calcidonio, RN1894-1941HMS Barham (04) +
MalteseBalzan, Vincent, RN1913-1941HMS Barham (04) +
MalteseBarbara, Pasquale, Merchant Marine1901-1943Dorchester +
MalteseBarbara, Paul, Civilian1909-1942Lady Hawkins +
MalteseBartolo, John, RN1911-1939HMS Royal Oak (08) +
MalteseBartolo, Nazareno, Merchant Navy1908Luimneach
MalteseBonello, Salvatore, RN-1939HMS Royal Oak (08) +
MalteseBorg, Joseph, Merchant Navy1920-1943Holmbury +
MalteseBorg, Michael, Merchant Navy1903-1941Newbury +
MalteseBorg, Nicholas, Merchant Navy1893-1940Lady Glanely +
MalteseBorg, Paulo, RN-1941HMS Barham (04) +
MalteseBriffa, Guiseppe, RN1902-1941HMS Barham (04) +
MalteseBriffa, John Raphael Carmel, Merchant Navy1884Brambleleaf
MalteseBrincat, Carmel, Merchant Navy1901-1941Ainderby +
MalteseBrincat, John, Merchant Navy1894-1941Linaria +
MalteseBurlo, John, RN1917-1942HMS Kimberley (F 50) +
MalteseButtigieg, Charles, Merchant Navy1910Ocean Justice
MalteseButtigieg, Paul, Merchant Navy1911Ocean Justice

MalteseCachia, Joseph Benedetto, RN-1939HMS Royal Oak (08) +
MalteseCaligari, Anthony, Merchant Navy1924-1943Empire Light +
MalteseCalleja, Louis, Merchant Navy1896-1942White Crest +
MalteseCamilleri, Joseph, Merchant Navy1913-1942Ashworth +
MalteseCamilleri, Joseph, Merchant Navy1920-1941Empire Barracuda +
MalteseCamilleri, Joseph, Merchant Navy1921-1942Glenlea +
MalteseCamilleri, Rocco, RN-1941HMS Barham (04) +
MalteseCamilleri, William, Merchant Navy1912-1943Melbourne Star +
MalteseCarabott, Michael, Merchant Navy1899-1943British Dominion +
MalteseCarmelbei, Carmel, Merchant Navy1898-1942Ingerto +
MalteseCassar, Raffael, Merchant Navy1903Ocean Justice
MalteseChurch, Ovidio, RN1921-1939HMS Royal Oak (08) +
MalteseCiappara, Carmelo, NAAFI-1940HMS Grafton (H 89) +
MalteseCini, Antonio, Merchant Navy1920-1941Koranton +
MalteseCoruana, Felix, Merchant Navy1914-1940Gogovale +
MalteseCutager, Carmelo, Merchant Marine1917-1942Capira +
MalteseCutajar, Anthony, Merchant Navy1905-1941Hazelside +
MalteseCutajar, Benjamin, Merchant Navy1895-1942Empire Amethyst +
MalteseCutajar, Carmel, Merchant Navy1912-1940Fiscus +
MalteseCutajar, John, Merchant Navy1906-1941Swiftpool +
MalteseCutajar, Salvatore, Merchant Navy1892-1941Newbury +

MalteseD'Agostino, Domenico, RN1907-1940HMS Grafton (H 89) +
MalteseDarmanian, Joseph, Merchant Navy1903Ocean Justice
MalteseDavis, Frederick John Samuel, FAA1915-1942HMS Avenger (D 14) +
MalteseDebona, Carmelo, Merchant Navy1913-1943Lancastrian Prince +
MalteseDebono, Emmanuel, Merchant Navy1920Thomas Walton
MalteseDunford, James Henry Palmer, RN1899-1941HMS Barham (04) +

MalteseEllul, Anthony, Merchant Navy1910Ocean Justice

MalteseFalzon, Joseph, Merchant Navy1917-1940Chelsea +
MalteseFalzon, Michael, Merchant Navy1896-1940Chelsea +
MalteseFalzon, Salvatore, Merchant Navy1922-1940Chelsea +
MalteseFalzon, Salvatore, Merchant Navy1899-1941British Viscount +
MalteseFarrugia, John, RN1899-1941HMS Barham (04) +
MalteseFarrugia, Nicholas, Merchant Navy1906-1941Swiftpool +
MalteseFarrugia, Paul, Merchant Navy1900Ocean Justice
MalteseFenech, Carmelo, Merchant Navy1892-1942Empire Wildebeeste +
MalteseFernander, Manuel, Merchant Navy1895-1942Waziristan +
MalteseFormosa, Charles (Carmelo), Merchant Navy1901-1941Courland +
MalteseFormosa, Giuseppe, Merchant Navy1902-1942Harpagon +
MalteseFormosa, Michael, Merchant Navy1895-1941Kingston Hill +
MalteseForti, Joseph, Merchant Navy1895-1942Empire Surf +

MalteseGalea, Anthony, Merchant Navy1915-1940Chelsea +
MalteseGalea, Gerard, Merchant Navy1911-1942Culebra +
MalteseGalea, Lucrezio, Merchant Navy1911-1942White Crest +
MalteseGasguili, Joseph, Merchant Navy1903-1942Ceramic +
MalteseGauci, Carmelo, Merchant Navy1907-1941Newbury +
MalteseGiusti, Ignazio, RN-1939HMS Royal Oak (08) +
MalteseGravina, Thomas, Merchant Navy1908-1940Tringa +
MalteseGrech, Emanuel, Merchant Navy1898-1940Tregenna +
MalteseGrech, Joseph, RN1919-1939HMS Royal Oak (08) +
MalteseGrech, Joseph, Merchant Navy1920-1940Fiscus +
MalteseGrech, Saverio, Merchant Navy1920-1941Empire Wave +
MalteseGrima, Caroon, Merchant Navy1914Ocean Justice
MalteseGrima, John, Merchant Navy1919-1943Lancastrian Prince +
MalteseGusman, Felix, Merchant Navy1920-1941Pass of Balmaha +

MalteseHales, Joseph, RN-1939HMS Royal Oak (08) +
MalteseHeraghty, Reginald Sidney Colvin, Merchant Navy1920-1941Empire Crossbill +
MalteseHill, Frank, Merchant Navy-1942Meropi +

MalteseInguanez, Joseph, Merchant Navy1915-1943Alderamin +

MalteseJones, Albert, Merchant Navy1883-1942Baron Ogilvy +

MalteseMallig, John, Merchant Navy1920-1940Coast Wings +
MalteseMamo, Francis, RN1888-1939HMS Royal Oak (08) +
MalteseMangion, Joseph, RN1892-1939HMS Royal Oak (08) +
MalteseMarmara, Anthony, RN1898-1941HMS Barham (04) +
MalteseMercieca, Domenico, Merchant Navy1910-1941Shuntien +
MalteseMicallef, Carmelo, Merchant Marine-1943Granville +
MalteseMicallef, Emanuele, RN1902-1941HMS Barham (04) +
MalteseMicallef, Espedito, RN-1941HMS Barham (04) +
MalteseMicallef, Giovanni, RN-1941HMS Barham (04) +
MalteseMicallef, John, Merchant Navy1911-1941Rose Schiaffino +
MalteseMifsud, Antoine, Merchant Navy1901-1941Empire Caribou +
MalteseMifsud, Benedetto, Merchant Navy1898-1942Harpagon +
MalteseMifsud, Salvatore, Merchant Navy1908Ocean Justice
MalteseMizzi, Alfredo, Merchant Navy1923-1943Alderamin +
MalteseMizzi, Gerald, Merchant Navy1910-1942Ceramic +
MalteseMuscat, Emanuel, Merchant Navy1919-1941Pass of Balmaha +
MalteseMuscat, John Dominic, RN1919-2011HMS Barham (04)
MalteseMusin, Joe, Merchant Navy1890-1942Empire Surf +

MalteseNaudi, Enrico, Merchant Navy-1943Milos +

MaltesePavia, Carmelo, Merchant Navy1920-1941Newbury +
MaltesePesci, Emmanuele, RN1917-1939HMS Royal Oak (08) +
MaltesePisani, Carmel, Merchant Navy1920-1941Newbury +
MaltesePisani, Salvatore, Merchant Navy1882-1941Empire Wave +
MaltesePortelli, Francis, Merchant Navy1915-1941Newbury +
MaltesePoustie, William, Merchant Navy1894-1941Newbury +
MaltesePulis, Salvador, Merchant Navy1878-1940Langleeford +

MalteseRapa, Joseph, RN1916-1941HMS Barham (04) +

MalteseSaid, John, Merchant Navy1911-1941Shuntien +
MalteseSaliba, Francis, Merchant Navy1915-1942Roxby +
MalteseSaliba, Lawrence, RN1900-1939HMS Royal Oak (08) +
MalteseSante, Louito, Merchant Navy1886Ocean Justice
MalteseSchiavone, Emmanuel, RN1919-1939HMS Royal Oak (08) +
MalteseSciberras, Edward, RN1912-1941HMS Barham (04) +
MalteseScicluna, Joseph, Merchant Navy1910-1941Ainderby +
MalteseScicluna, Michel, RN1910-1940HMS Grafton (H 89) +
MalteseScifo, Dominico, Merchant Navy1909-1940Lady Glanely +
MalteseShort, William, RN1894-1939HMS Royal Oak (08) +
MalteseSinagra, Nazzareno, Merchant Navy1908-1942Waziristan +
MalteseSky, Harry, Merchant Navy1892-1942Katvaldis +
MalteseSpiteri, Giulian, Merchant Navy1885-1940Fabian +
MalteseSpiteri, Joseph, RN1916-1941HMS Barham (04) +
MalteseSquibbs, Robert Valentine, Merchant Navy1911-1942Slavol +
MalteseStafrace, Vincent, RN-1941HMS Barham (04) +
MalteseStellini, Paul, Merchant Navy1905-1941Newbury +
MalteseStivala, Anthony, Merchant Navy1906-1941British Viscount +
MalteseSultana, Joseph, Merchant Navy1907-1943Lancastrian Prince +

MalteseTabone, Sam, Merchant Navy1920Ocean Justice
MalteseTeuma, Emanuel, Merchant Navy1899-1941Rose Schiaffino +

MalteseVassallo, Amabile, Merchant Navy1905-1942Baron Newlands +
MalteseVassallo, Emanuel, Merchant Navy1886-1940Orangemoor +
MalteseVassalo, Silvester, Merchant Navy1892Ocean Justice
MalteseVella, Giuseppe, Merchant Navy1882-1941Almeda Star +
MalteseVella, John, Merchant Navy1915Ocean Justice
MalteseVella, Joseph, Merchant Navy1908-1942Brambleleaf +
MalteseVella, Michael, Merchant Navy1892Ocean Justice
MalteseVella, Salvo, Merchant Navy1911Svenør

MalteseXerri, Paul, Merchant Navy1919-1943Zouave +
MalteseXicluna, Emanuel, Merchant Navy1916-1943Zouave +
MalteseXuereb, John Baptist, RN1918-1939HMS Royal Oak (08) +

MalteseZahra, Anthony, Merchant Navy1918-1943Zouave +
MalteseZahra, John, RN-1939HMS Royal Oak (08) +
MalteseZammit, Emmanuele, RN1900-1941HMS Barham (04) +
MalteseZammit, Maurizo, Merchant Navy1914-1941Polyana +
MalteseZammit, Raymond, Merchant Navy1898-1942Empire Dryden +
MalteseZarb, Angelo, Merchant Navy1892-1942Primrose Hill +

160 Maltese people located. 140 of them died in the war.

A (4065), B (7726), C (6233), D (4280), E (1904), F (3015), G (4043), H (6667), I (573), J (3006), K (3311), L (4309), M (8676), N (2039), O (1591), P (4432), Q (172), R (4186), S (8184), T (3338), U (278), V (1248), W (4938), X (11), Y (469), Z (305), Å (33), Ä (1), Ö (6), Š (3), Ž (1), Ø (70), Þ (7)

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