Allied Warships

Allied War Losses

This page is probably not fully complete
It shows ships destroyed (lost) to all causes during the war.

During the war the Allies (Americans, United Kingdom and Commonwealth, France, Russia, Netherlands, ...) lost more than 1,900 warships to all causes. This listing shows them all.

The B class destroyer HMS Brazen (H 80) of the Royal Navy. She was lost on 20 Jul 1940.


Polish Navy3 Sep 1939ORP General Haller (H)GunboatGeneral Haller 
Polish Navy3 Sep 1939ORP GryfMinelayerGryf 
Polish Navy3 Sep 1939ORP WicherDestroyerWicher 
Polish Navy14 Sep 1939ORP Czapla (CP)MinesweeperJaskolka 
Polish Navy14 Sep 1939ORP Jaskolka (J)MinesweeperJaskolka 


Polish Navy4 May 1940ORP Grom (H 71)DestroyerGrom 
Polish Navy8 Jun 1940ORP Orzel (85 A)SubmarineOrzel 


Polish Navy2 May 1942ORP Jastrzab (P 551)SubmarineS-1 
Polish Navy16 Jun 1942ORP Kujawiak (L 72)Escort destroyerHunt (Type II) 


Polish Navy8 Oct 1943ORP Orkan (G 90)DestroyerM 


Polish Navy8 Jul 1944ORP Dragon (D 46)Light cruiserD 

11 Allied warship losses located.

Losses by navy

Royal Navy Royal Navy (1110)
US Navy US Navy (490)
Soviet Navy Soviet Navy (138)
French Navy French Navy (95)
Royal Dutch Navy Royal Dutch Navy (59)
Royal Canadian Navy Royal Canadian Navy (31)
Royal Hellenic Navy Royal Hellenic Navy (26)
Royal Norwegian Navy Royal Norwegian Navy (23)
Royal Australian Navy Royal Australian Navy (16)
Royal Indian Navy Royal Indian Navy (12)
Polish Navy Polish Navy (12)
Free French Navy Free French Navy (9)
Italian Navy Italian Navy (7)
United States Coast Guard United States Coast Guard (5)
Royal New Zealand Navy Royal New Zealand Navy (2)
Brazilian Navy Brazilian Navy (2)

This page shows all the Allied warships lost during World War Two. The page optionally is divided by navy for more compact listing.

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