Allied Warships

Allied War Losses

This page is probably not fully complete
It shows ships destroyed (lost) to all causes during the war.

During the war the Allies (Americans, United Kingdom and Commonwealth, France, Russia, Netherlands, ...) lost more than 1,900 warships to all causes. This listing shows them all.

The E class destroyer HMS Eclipse (H 08) of the Royal Navy. She was lost on 24 Oct 1943.


US Navy31 Oct 1941USS Reuben James (i) (DD 245)DestroyerClemson 
US Navy7 Dec 1941USS Arizona (BB 39)BattleshipPennsylvania 
US Navy7 Dec 1941USS Oklahoma (BB 37)BattleshipNevada 
US Navy7 Dec 1941USS Utah (AG 16)BattleshipFlorida 
US Navy8 Dec 1941USS Penguin (AM 33)MinesweeperLapwing 
US Navy8 Dec 1941USS Wake (PR-3)River gunboatWake 
US Navy10 Dec 1941USS Bittern (AM 36)MinesweeperLapwing 
US Navy15 Dec 1941USS PT 33Motor torpedo boatELCO 77' 
US Navy25 Dec 1941USS Sealion (i) (195)SubmarineSargo 


US Navy20 Jan 1942USS PT 31Motor torpedo boatELCO 77' 
US Navy20 Jan 1942USS S-36 (141)SubmarineS-1 
US Navy23 Jan 1942USS Neches (i) (AO 5)OilerKanawha 
US Navy24 Jan 1942USS S-26 (131)SubmarineS-1 
US Navy11 Feb 1942USS Shark (i) (174)SubmarineShark 
US Navy18 Feb 1942USS Truxtun (DD 229)DestroyerClemson 
US Navy19 Feb 1942USS Peary (DD 226)DestroyerClemson 
US Navy27 Feb 1942USS Langley (AV 3)Seaplane tender 
US Navy28 Feb 1942USS Jacob Jones (i) (DD 130)DestroyerWickes 
US Navy1 Mar 1942USS Edsall (i) (DD 219)DestroyerClemson 
US Navy1 Mar 1942USS Houston (i) (CA 30)Heavy cruiserNorthampton 
US Navy1 Mar 1942USS Pecos (i) (AO 6)OilerKanawha 
US Navy1 Mar 1942USS Pillsbury (i) (DD 227)DestroyerClemson 
US Navy1 Mar 1942USS Pope (i) (DD 225)DestroyerClemson 
US Navy2 Mar 1942USS Stewart (i) (DD 224)DestroyerClemson 
US Navy3 Mar 1942USS Asheville (PG-21)GunboatAsheville 
US Navy3 Mar 1942USS Perch (i) (176)SubmarinePerch 
US Navy13 Mar 1942USS PT 32Motor torpedo boatELCO 77' 
US Navy9 Apr 1942USS Napa (AT 32)Fleet tugBagaduce 
US Navy9 Apr 1942USS PT 34Motor torpedo boatELCO 77' 
US Navy10 Apr 1942USS Canopus (AS 9)Submarine tender 
US Navy10 Apr 1942USS Finch (AM 9)MinesweeperLapwing 
US Navy12 Apr 1942USS PT 35Motor torpedo boatELCO 77' 
US Navy15 Apr 1942USS PT 41Motor torpedo boatELCO 77' 
US Navy26 Apr 1942USS Sturtevant (i) (DD 240)DestroyerClemson 
US Navy2 May 1942USS Mindanao (PR-8)River gunboatLuzon 
US Navy4 May 1942USS Pigeon (ASR 6)MinesweeperLapwing 
US Navy4 May 1942USS Tanager (AM 5)MinesweeperLapwing 
US Navy5 May 1942USS Genesee (AT 55)Fleet tug 
US Navy5 May 1942USS Quail (i) (AM 15)MinesweeperLapwing 
US Navy6 May 1942USS Luzon (PR-7)River gunboatLuzon 
US Navy6 May 1942USS Oahu (PR-6)River gunboatPanay 
US Navy7 May 1942USS Sims (i) (DD 409)DestroyerSims 
US Navy8 May 1942USS Lexington (CV 2)Aircraft CarrierLexington 
US Navy11 May 1942USS Neosho (i) (AO 23)OilerCimarron 
US Navy6 Jun 1942USS Hammann (i) (DD 412)DestroyerSims 
US Navy7 Jun 1942USS Gannet (AVP 8)MinesweeperLapwing 
US Navy7 Jun 1942USS Yorktown (i) (CV 5)Aircraft carrierYorktown 
US Navy19 Jun 1942USS S-27 (132)SubmarineS-1 
US Navy31 Jul 1942USS Grunion (216)SubmarineGato 
US Navy4 Aug 1942USS Tucker (DD 374)DestroyerMahan 
US Navy9 Aug 1942USS Astoria (i) (CA 34)Heavy cruiserNew Orleans 
US Navy9 Aug 1942USS Jarvis (i) (DD 393)DestroyerBagley 
US Navy9 Aug 1942USS Quincy (i) (CA 39)Heavy cruiserNew Orleans 
US Navy9 Aug 1942USS Vincennes (i) (CA 44)Heavy cruiserNew Orleans 
US Navy16 Aug 1942USS S-39 (144)SubmarineS-1 
US Navy22 Aug 1942USS Ingraham (i) (DD 444)DestroyerBenson / Gleaves 
US Navy23 Aug 1942USS Blue (i) (DD 387)DestroyerBagley 
US Navy30 Aug 1942USS Colhoun (i) (APD 2)DestroyerWickes 
US Navy5 Sep 1942USS Gregory (i) (APD 3)DestroyerWickes 
US Navy5 Sep 1942USS Little (i) (APD 4)DestroyerWickes 
US Navy15 Sep 1942USS Wasp (CV 7)Aircraft CarrierWasp 
US Navy12 Oct 1942USS Duncan (i) (DD 485)DestroyerBristol 
US Navy15 Oct 1942USS Meredith (i) (DD 434)DestroyerBenson / Gleaves 
US Navy19 Oct 1942USS O'Brien (i) (DD 415)DestroyerSims 
US Navy25 Oct 1942USS Seminole (AT 65)Fleet tugNavajo 
US Navy26 Oct 1942USS Porter (i) (DD 356)DestroyerPorter 
US Navy27 Oct 1942USS Hornet (i) (CV 8)Aircraft carrierYorktown 
US Navy13 Nov 1942USS Atlanta (i) (CL 51)Anti-aircraft cruiserAtlanta 
US Navy13 Nov 1942USS Barton (i) (DD 599)DestroyerBristol 
US Navy13 Nov 1942USS Cushing (DD 376)DestroyerMahan 
US Navy13 Nov 1942USS Juneau (CL 52)Anti-aircraft cruiserAtlanta 
US Navy13 Nov 1942USS Laffey (i) (DD 459)DestroyerBristol 
US Navy13 Nov 1942USS Monssen (i) (DD 436)DestroyerBenson / Gleaves 
US Navy15 Nov 1942USS Benham (i) (DD 397)DestroyerBenham 
US Navy15 Nov 1942USS Preston (i) (DD 379)DestroyerMahan 
US Navy15 Nov 1942USS Walke (i) (DD 416)DestroyerSims 
US Navy1 Dec 1942USS Northampton (CA 26)Heavy cruiserNorthampton 
US Navy5 Dec 1942USS Erie (PG-50)GunboatErie 
US Navy12 Dec 1942USS PT 44Motor torpedo boatELCO 77' 
US Navy29 Dec 1942USS Wasmuth (DMS 15)DestroyerClemson 


US Navy1 Jan 1943USS LCT 21 (LCT 21)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US Navy2 Jan 1943USS Grebe (AM 43)MinesweeperLapwing 
US Navy10 Jan 1943USS Argonaut (i) (166)SubmarineArgonaut 
US Navy11 Jan 1943USS PT 112Motor torpedo boatELCO 80' 
US Navy11 Jan 1943USS PT 43Motor torpedo boatELCO 77' 
US Navy12 Jan 1943USS PT 28Motor torpedo boatELCO 77' 
US Navy12 Jan 1943USS Worden (DD 352)DestroyerFarragut 
US Navy21 Jan 1943USS SC-709 (SC-709)Submarine chaserSC-497 
US Navy30 Jan 1943USS Chicago (i) (CA 29)Heavy cruiserNorthampton 
US Navy1 Feb 1943USS De Haven (i) (DD 469)DestroyerFletcher 
US Navy1 Feb 1943USS PT 111Motor torpedo boatELCO 80' 
US Navy1 Feb 1943USS PT 123Motor torpedo boatELCO 80' 
US Navy1 Feb 1943USS PT 37Motor torpedo boatELCO 77' 
US Navy16 Feb 1943USS Amberjack (i) (219)SubmarineGato 
US Navy20 Feb 1943USS YMS-133 (YMS-133)MinesweeperYMS 
US Navy2 Mar 1943USS SC-1024 (SC-1024)Submarine chaserSC-497 
US Navy5 Mar 1943USS Grampus (i) (207)SubmarineGar 
US Navy17 Mar 1943USS PT 119Motor torpedo boatELCO 80' 
US Navy17 Mar 1943USS PT 67Motor torpedo boatELCO 77' 
US Navy7 Apr 1943USS Aaron Ward (ii) (DD 483)DestroyerBristol 
US Navy8 Apr 1943USS Kanawha (AO 1)OilerKanawha 
US Navy10 Apr 1943USS Triton (201)SubmarineTambor 
US Navy22 Apr 1943USS Grenadier (i) (210)SubmarineGar 
US Navy3 May 1943USS LCT 23 (LCT 23)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US Navy12 May 1943USS Pickerel (i) (177)SubmarinePerch 
US Navy23 May 1943USS PT 165Motor torpedo boatELCO 80' 
US Navy23 May 1943USS PT 173Motor torpedo boatELCO 80' 
US Navy30 May 1943USS LCT 28 (LCT 28)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US Navy4 Jun 1943USS PC-496 (PC-496)Patrol craftPC-461 
US Navy12 Jun 1943USS R-12 (89)SubmarineR-1 
US Navy17 Jun 1943USS SC-740 (SC-740)Submarine chaserSC-497 
US Navy22 Jun 1943USS SC-751 (SC-751)Submarine chaserSC-497 
US Navy29 Jun 1943USS Redwing (ARS 4)MinesweeperLapwing 
US Navy1 Jul 1943USS Runner (i) (275)SubmarineGato 
US Navy2 Jul 1943USS PT 153Motor torpedo boatELCO 80' 
US Navy2 Jul 1943USS PT 158Motor torpedo boatELCO 80' 
US Navy5 Jul 1943USS Strong (i) (DD 467)DestroyerFletcher 
US Navy6 Jul 1943USS Helena (i) (CL 50)Light cruiserSt. Louis 
US Navy6 Jul 1943USS LST 333 (LST 333)Tank landing shipLST (Mk 2) 
US Navy10 Jul 1943USS LST 313 (LST 313)Tank landing shipLST (Mk 2) 
US Navy10 Jul 1943USS Maddox (ii) (DD 622)DestroyerBristol 
US Navy11 Jul 1943USS LST 158 (LST 158)Tank landing shipLST (Mk 2) 
US Navy12 Jul 1943USS Sentinel (AM 113)MinesweeperAuk 
US Navy13 Jul 1943USS Gwin (i) (DD 433)DestroyerBenson / Gleaves 
US Navy18 Jul 1943USS LST 342 (LST 342)Tank landing shipLST (Mk 2) 
US Navy20 Jul 1943USS PT 166Motor torpedo boatELCO 80' 
US Navy23 Jul 1943USS LCT 196 (LCT 196)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US Navy1 Aug 1943USS PT 117Motor torpedo boatELCO 80' 
US Navy1 Aug 1943USS PT 164Motor torpedo boatELCO 80' 
US Navy2 Aug 1943USS PT 109Motor torpedo boatELCO 80' 
US Navy8 Aug 1943USS PT 113Motor torpedo boatELCO 80' 
US Navy9 Aug 1943USS LCT 311 (LCT 311)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US Navy10 Aug 1943USS LST 318 (LST 318)Tank landing shipLST (Mk 2) 
US Navy17 Aug 1943USS LCI(L)-1 (LCI(L)-1)Landing Craft InfantryLCI 1 
US Navy18 Aug 1943USS LST 396 (LST 396)Tank landing shipLST (Mk 2) 
US Navy23 Aug 1943USS SC-694 (SC-694)Submarine chaserSC-497 
US Navy23 Aug 1943USS SC-696 (SC-696)Submarine chaserSC-497 
US Navy27 Aug 1943USS LCT 319 (LCT 319)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US Navy31 Aug 1943USS LCT 154 (LCT 154)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US Navy4 Sep 1943USS LCI(L)-339 (LCI(L)-339)Landing Craft InfantryLCI 1 
US Navy7 Sep 1943USS PT 118Motor torpedo boatELCO 80' 
US Navy7 Sep 1943USS PT 172Motor torpedo boatELCO 80' 
US Navy9 Sep 1943USS Grayling (209)SubmarineGar 
US Navy9 Sep 1943USS LCT 366 (LCT 366)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US Navy9 Sep 1943USS Nauset (AT 89)Fleet tugNavajo 
US Navy11 Sep 1943USS LCT 71 (LCT 71)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US Navy11 Sep 1943USS Rowan (DD 405)DestroyerBenham 
US Navy12 Sep 1943USS Navajo (AT 64)Fleet tugNavajo 
US Navy15 Sep 1943USS LCT 19 (LCT 19)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US Navy15 Sep 1943USS LCT 241 (LCT 241)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US Navy17 Sep 1943USS Pompano (181)SubmarinePerch 
US Navy17 Sep 1943USS PT 136Motor torpedo boatELCO 80' 
US Navy25 Sep 1943USS LST 167 (LST 167)Tank landing shipLST (Mk 2) 
US Navy25 Sep 1943USS Skill (AM 115)MinesweeperAuk 
US Navy28 Sep 1943USS Cisco (290)SubmarineBalao 
US Navy29 Sep 1943USS LCT 342 (LCT 342)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US Navy30 Sep 1943USS PT 68Motor torpedo boatELCO 77' 
US Navy1 Oct 1943USS LST 203 (LST 203)Tank landing shipLST (Mk 2) 
US Navy2 Oct 1943USS LCT 496 (LCT 496)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US Navy3 Oct 1943USS Henley (i) (DD 391)DestroyerBagley 
US Navy5 Oct 1943USS LST 448 (LST 448)Tank landing shipLST (Mk 2) 
US Navy7 Oct 1943USS Chevalier (i) (DD 451)DestroyerFletcher 
US Navy7 Oct 1943USS LCT 215 (LCT 215)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US Navy7 Oct 1943USS LCT 216 (LCT 216)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US Navy7 Oct 1943USS S-44 (155)SubmarineS-42 
US Navy9 Oct 1943USS Buck (DD 420)DestroyerSims 
US Navy11 Oct 1943USS Wahoo (238)SubmarineGato 
US Navy12 Oct 1943USS Dorado (248)SubmarineGato 
US Navy13 Oct 1943USS Bristol (i) (DD 453)DestroyerBristol 
US Navy2 Nov 1943USS Borie (i) (DD 215)DestroyerClemson 
US Navy6 Nov 1943USS Beatty (DD 640)DestroyerBristol 
US Navy16 Nov 1943USS Corvina (226)SubmarineGato 
US Navy17 Nov 1943USS McKean (i) (APD 5)DestroyerWickes 
US Navy19 Nov 1943USS PT 147Motor torpedo boatELCO 80' 
US Navy19 Nov 1943USS SC-1067 (SC-1067)Submarine chaserSC-497 
US Navy19 Nov 1943USS Sculpin (191)SubmarineSargo 
US Navy23 Nov 1943USS Capelin (289)SubmarineBalao 
US Navy23 Nov 1943USS PT 322Motor torpedo boatELCO 80' 
US Navy24 Nov 1943USS Liscome Bay (CVE 56)Escort carrierCasablanca 
US Navy29 Nov 1943USS Perkins (DD 377)DestroyerMahan 
US Navy2 Dec 1943USS LCT 242 (LCT 242)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US Navy14 Dec 1943USS PT 239Motor torpedo boatHiggins 78' 
US Navy24 Dec 1943USS Leary (i) (DD 158)DestroyerWickes 
US Navy27 Dec 1943USS Brownson (i) (DD 518)DestroyerFletcher 


US Navy3 Jan 1944USS Turner (ii) (DD 648)DestroyerBristol 
US Navy4 Jan 1944USS PT 145Motor torpedo boatELCO 80' 
US Navy19 Jan 1944USS LST 228 (LST 228)Tank landing shipLST (Mk 2) 
US Navy22 Jan 1944USS LCI(L)-20 (LCI(L)-20)Landing Craft InfantryLCI 1 
US Navy22 Jan 1944USS LCI(L)-32 (LCI(L)-32)Landing Craft InfantryLCI 1 
US Navy22 Jan 1944USS Portent (AM 106)MinesweeperAuk 
US Navy24 Jan 1944USS LCT 185 (LCT 185)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US Navy25 Jan 1944USS YMS-30 (YMS-30)MinesweeperYMS 
US Navy26 Jan 1944USS PT 110Motor torpedo boatELCO 80' 
US Navy11 Feb 1944USS PT 279Motor torpedo boatHiggins 78' 
US Navy12 Feb 1944USS Macaw (ASR 11)Submarine rescue vesselChanticleer 
US Navy13 Feb 1944USS LCT 220 (LCT 220)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US Navy15 Feb 1944USS LCT 35 (LCT 35)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US Navy20 Feb 1944USS LCT 340 (LCT 340)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US Navy20 Feb 1944USS LST 348 (LST 348)Tank landing shipLST (Mk 2) 
US Navy22 Feb 1944USS PT 200Motor torpedo boatHiggins 78' 
US Navy25 Feb 1944USS LCT 26 (LCT 26)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US Navy26 Feb 1944USS Ailanthus (AN 38)Net tenderAilanthus 
US Navy26 Feb 1944USS LCT 36 (LCT 36)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US Navy26 Feb 1944USS LST 349 (LST 349)Tank landing shipLST (Mk 2) 
US Navy26 Feb 1944USS PT 251Motor torpedo boatHiggins 78' 
US Navy27 Feb 1944USS Grayback (208)SubmarineGar 
US Navy29 Feb 1944USS Trout (202)SubmarineTambor 
US Navy6 Mar 1944USS Scorpion (278)SubmarineGato 
US Navy7 Mar 1944USS PT 337Motor torpedo boatELCO 80' 
US Navy9 Mar 1944USS Leopold (DE 319)Destroyer EscortEdsall 
US Navy10 Mar 1944USS SC-700 (SC-700)Submarine chaserSC-497 
US Navy17 Mar 1944USS PT 283Motor torpedo boatHiggins 78' 
US Navy23 Mar 1944USS LCT 315 (LCT 315)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US Navy26 Mar 1944USS Tullibee (284)SubmarineGato 
US Navy27 Mar 1944USS PT 121Motor torpedo boatELCO 80' 
US Navy27 Mar 1944USS PT 353Motor torpedo boatELCO 80' 
US Navy10 Apr 1944USS SC-984 (SC-984)Submarine chaserSC-497 
US Navy11 Apr 1944USS Holder (DE 401)Destroyer EscortEdsall 
US Navy12 Apr 1944USS PT 135Motor torpedo boatELCO 80' 
US Navy18 Apr 1944USS Gudgeon (211)SubmarineGar 
US Navy20 Apr 1944USS Lansdale (DD 426)DestroyerBenson / Gleaves 
US Navy28 Apr 1944USS LST 507 (LST 507)Tank landing shipLST (Mk 2) 
US Navy28 Apr 1944USS LST 531 (LST 531)Tank landing shipLST (Mk 2) 
US Navy29 Apr 1944USS PT 346Motor torpedo boatELCO 80' 
US Navy29 Apr 1944USS PT 347Motor torpedo boatELCO 80' 
US Navy5 May 1944USS Fechteler (i) (DE 157)Destroyer EscortBuckley 
US Navy5 May 1944USS PT 247Motor torpedo boatHiggins 78' 
US Navy9 May 1944USS PC-558 (PC-558)Patrol craftPC-461 
US Navy21 May 1944USS LST 179 (LST 179)Tank landing shipLST (Mk 2) 
US Navy21 May 1944USS LST 353 (LST 353)Tank landing shipLST (Mk 2) 
US Navy21 May 1944USS LST 39 (LST 39)Tank landing shipLST (Mk 2) 
US Navy21 May 1944USS LST 43 (LST 43)Tank landing shipLST (Mk 2) 
US Navy21 May 1944USS LST 480 (LST 480)Tank landing shipLST (Mk 2) 
US Navy21 May 1944USS LST 69 (LST 69)Tank landing shipLST (Mk 2) 
US Navy27 May 1944USS PT 339Motor torpedo boatELCO 80' 
US Navy29 May 1944USS Block Island (ii) (CVE 21)Escort carrierBogue 
US NavyJun 1944USS LCT 147 (LCT 147)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US NavyJun 1944USS LCT 200 (LCT 200)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US NavyJun 1944USS LCT 244 (LCT 244)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US NavyJun 1944USS LCT 273 (LCT 273)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US NavyJun 1944USS LCT 301 (LCT 301)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US NavyJun 1944USS LCT 305 (LCT 305)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US NavyJun 1944USS LCT 307 (LCT 307)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US NavyJun 1944USS LCT 402 (LCT 402)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US NavyJun 1944USS LCT 413 (LCT 413)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US NavyJun 1944USS LCT 498 (LCT 498)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US Navy1 Jun 1944USS Herring (233)SubmarineGato 
US Navy5 Jun 1944USS LCT 428 (LCT 428)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US Navy5 Jun 1944USS Osprey (AM 56)MinesweeperRaven 
US Navy6 Jun 1944USS Corry (i) (DD 463)DestroyerBristol 
US Navy6 Jun 1944USS LCI(L)-232 (LCI(L)-232)Landing Craft InfantryLCI 1 
US Navy6 Jun 1944USS LCI(L)-416 (LCI(L)-416)Landing Craft InfantryLCI 351 
US Navy6 Jun 1944USS LCI(L)-497 (LCI(L)-497)Landing Craft InfantryLCI 351 
US Navy6 Jun 1944USS LCI(L)-553 (LCI(L)-553)Landing Craft InfantryLCI 351 
US Navy6 Jun 1944USS LCI(L)-85 (LCI(L)-85)Landing Craft InfantryLCI 1 
US Navy6 Jun 1944USS LCI(L)-91 (LCI(L)-91)Landing Craft InfantryLCI 1 
US Navy6 Jun 1944USS LCI(L)-92 (LCI(L)-92)Landing Craft InfantryLCI 1 
US Navy6 Jun 1944USS LCI(L)-93 (LCI(L)-93)Landing Craft InfantryLCI 1 
US Navy6 Jun 1944USS LCT 197 (LCT 197)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US Navy6 Jun 1944USS LCT 22 (LCT 22)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US Navy6 Jun 1944USS LCT 229 (LCT 229)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US Navy6 Jun 1944USS LCT 25 (LCT 25)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US Navy6 Jun 1944USS LCT 27 (LCT 27)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US Navy6 Jun 1944USS LCT 294 (LCT 294)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US Navy6 Jun 1944USS LCT 30 (LCT 30)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US Navy6 Jun 1944USS LCT 332 (LCT 332)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US Navy6 Jun 1944USS LCT 362 (LCT 362)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US Navy6 Jun 1944USS LCT 364 (LCT 364)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US Navy6 Jun 1944USS LCT 52 (LCT 52)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US Navy6 Jun 1944USS PC-1261 (PC-1261)Patrol craftPC-461 
US Navy7 Jun 1944USS LCT 486 (LCT 486)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US Navy7 Jun 1944USS Tide (AM 125)MinesweeperAuk 
US Navy8 Jun 1944USS Glennon (i) (DD 620)DestroyerBristol 
US Navy8 Jun 1944USS LST 499 (LST 499)Tank landing shipLST (Mk 2) 
US Navy8 Jun 1944USS Rich (i) (DE 695)Destroyer EscortBuckley 
US Navy9 Jun 1944USS LST 314 (LST 314)Tank landing shipLST (Mk 2) 
US Navy9 Jun 1944USS LST 376 (LST 376)Tank landing shipLST (Mk 2) 
US Navy9 Jun 1944USS Meredith (ii) (DD 726)DestroyerAllen M. Sumner 
US Navy10 Jun 1944USS LCT 209 (LCT 209)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US Navy11 Jun 1944USS LCI(L)-219 (LCI(L)-219)Landing Craft InfantryLCI 1 
US Navy11 Jun 1944USS LST 496 (LST 496)Tank landing shipLST (Mk 2) 
US Navy11 Jun 1944USS Partridge (AM 16)MinesweeperLapwing 
US Navy14 Jun 1944USS Golet (361)SubmarineGato 
US Navy18 Jun 1944USS LCI(L)-468 (LCI(L)-468)Landing Craft InfantryLCI 351 
US Navy18 Jun 1944USS PT 107Motor torpedo boatELCO 80' 
US Navy18 Jun 1944USS PT 63Motor torpedo boatELCO 77' 
US Navy19 Jun 1944USS LST 523 (LST 523)Tank landing shipLST (Mk 2) 
US Navy20 Jun 1944USS LCT 208 (LCT 208)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US Navy24 Jun 1944USS PT 193Motor torpedo boatELCO 80' 
US Navy29 Jun 1944USS Valor (AMc-108)MinesweeperAccentor 
US Navy2 Jul 1944USS YMS-350 (YMS-350)MinesweeperYMS 
US Navy4 Jul 1944USS S-28 (133)SubmarineS-1 
US Navy9 Jul 1944USS Swerve (AM 121)MinesweeperAuk 
US Navy15 Jul 1944USS PT 133Motor torpedo boatELCO 80' 
US Navy18 Jul 1944USS SC-1072 (SC-1072)Submarine chaserSC-497 
US Navy26 Jul 1944USS Robalo (273)SubmarineGato 
US Navy30 Jul 1944USS YMS-304 (YMS-304)MinesweeperYMS 
US Navy30 Jul 1944USS YMS-378 (YMS-378)MinesweeperYMS 
US Navy2 Aug 1944USS Fiske (i) (DE 143)Destroyer EscortEdsall 
US Navy9 Aug 1944USS PT 509Motor torpedo boatELCO 80' 
US Navy13 Aug 1944USS Flier (250)SubmarineGato 
US Navy14 Aug 1944USS LST 921 (LST 921)Tank landing shipLST (Mk 2) 
US Navy15 Aug 1944USS LST 282 (LST 282)Tank landing shipLST (Mk 2) 
US Navy16 Aug 1944USS PT 202Motor torpedo boatHiggins 78' 
US Navy16 Aug 1944USS PT 218Motor torpedo boatHiggins 78' 
US Navy16 Aug 1944USS YMS-24 (YMS-24)MinesweeperYMS 
US Navy23 Aug 1944USS PT 555Motor torpedo boatELCO 80' 
US Navy24 Aug 1944USS Harder (257)SubmarineGato 
US Navy1 Sep 1944USS YMS-21 (YMS-21)MinesweeperYMS 
US Navy12 Sep 1944USS Noa (i) (DD 343)DestroyerClemson 
US Navy12 Sep 1944USS YMS-409 (YMS-409)MinesweeperYMS 
US Navy13 Sep 1944USS Perry (i) (DMS 17)DestroyerClemson 
US Navy13 Sep 1944USS Warrington (i) (DD 383)DestroyerSomers 
US Navy19 Sep 1944USS LCI(L)-459 (LCI(L)-459)Landing Craft InfantryLCI 351 
US Navy24 Sep 1944USS YMS-19 (YMS-19)MinesweeperYMS 
US NavyOct 1944USS Escolar (294)SubmarineBalao 
US Navy1 Oct 1944USS YMS-385 (YMS-385)MinesweeperYMS 
US Navy3 Oct 1944USS Seawolf (197)SubmarineSargo 
US Navy3 Oct 1944USS Shelton (i) (DE 407)Destroyer EscortJohn C. Butler 
US Navy9 Oct 1944USS LCT 459 (LCT 459)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US Navy11 Oct 1944USS LCT 293 (LCT 293)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US Navy11 Oct 1944USS PT 368Motor torpedo boatELCO 80' 
US Navy13 Oct 1944USS LCT 454 (LCT 454)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US Navy17 Oct 1944USS YMS-70 (YMS-70)MinesweeperYMS 
US Navy24 Oct 1944USS Darter (227)SubmarineGato 
US Navy24 Oct 1944USS LCI(L)-1065 (LCI(L)-1065)Landing Craft InfantryLCI 351 
US Navy24 Oct 1944USS Princeton(i) (CVL 23)Light fleet carrierIndependence 
US Navy24 Oct 1944USS Shark (ii) (314)SubmarineBalao 
US Navy24 Oct 1944USS Sonoma (AT 12)Fleet tugSonoma 
US Navy24 Oct 1944USS Tang (306)SubmarineBalao 
US Navy25 Oct 1944USS Gambier Bay (CVE 73)Escort carrierCasablanca 
US Navy25 Oct 1944USS Hoel (DD 533)DestroyerFletcher 
US Navy25 Oct 1944USS Johnston (i) (DD 557)DestroyerFletcher 
US Navy25 Oct 1944USS Midway (i) / St. Lo (CVE 63)Escort carrierCasablanca 
US Navy25 Oct 1944USS PT 493Motor torpedo boatELCO 80' 
US Navy25 Oct 1944USS Samuel B. Roberts (i) (DE 413)Destroyer EscortJohn C. Butler 
US Navy28 Oct 1944USS Eversole (i) (DE 404)Destroyer EscortJohn C. Butler 
US Navy1 Nov 1944USS Abner Read (DD 526)DestroyerFletcher 
US Navy1 Nov 1944USS LCI(L)-684 (LCI(L)-684)Landing Craft InfantryLCI 351 
US Navy5 Nov 1944USS PT 320Motor torpedo boatELCO 80' 
US Navy7 Nov 1944USS Albacore (218)SubmarineGato 
US Navy8 Nov 1944USS Growler (215)SubmarineGato 
US Navy10 Nov 1944USS PT 321Motor torpedo boatELCO 80' 
US Navy11 Nov 1944USS Scamp (277)SubmarineGato 
US Navy17 Nov 1944USS LST 6 (LST 6)Tank landing shipLST (Mk 2) 
US Navy18 Nov 1944USS PT 311Motor torpedo boatHiggins 78' 
US Navy20 Nov 1944USS Mississinewa (AO 59)OilerAshtabula 
US Navy25 Nov 1944USS PT 363Motor torpedo boatELCO 80' 
US Navy27 Nov 1944USS SC-744 (SC-744)Submarine chaserSC-497 
US Navy3 Dec 1944USS Cooper (DD 695)DestroyerAllen M. Sumner 
US Navy5 Dec 1944USS LSM 20 (LSM 20)Medium landing shipLSM 
US Navy7 Dec 1944USS LSM 318 (LSM 318)Medium landing shipLSM 
US Navy7 Dec 1944USS Mahan (DD 364)DestroyerMahan 
US Navy7 Dec 1944USS Ward (DD 139)DestroyerWickes 
US Navy10 Dec 1944USS PT 323Motor torpedo boatELCO 80' 
US Navy11 Dec 1944USS Reid (DD 369)DestroyerMahan 
US Navy11 Dec 1944USS SC-1059 (SC-1059)Submarine chaserSC-497 
US Navy15 Dec 1944USS LST 472 (LST 472)Tank landing shipLST (Mk 2) 
US Navy15 Dec 1944USS LST 738 (LST 738)Tank landing shipLST (Mk 2) 
US Navy18 Dec 1944USS Hull (DD 350)DestroyerFarragut 
US Navy18 Dec 1944USS Monaghan (DD 354)DestroyerFarragut 
US Navy18 Dec 1944USS PT 300Motor torpedo boatHiggins 78' 
US Navy18 Dec 1944USS Spence (DD 512)DestroyerFletcher 
US Navy20 Dec 1944USS LST 359 (LST 359)Tank landing shipLST (Mk 2) 
US Navy21 Dec 1944USS LST 460 (LST 460)Tank landing shipLST (Mk 2) 
US Navy21 Dec 1944USS LST 749 (LST 749)Tank landing shipLST (Mk 2) 
US Navy28 Dec 1944USS LST 750 (LST 750)Tank landing shipLST (Mk 2) 


US Navy4 Jan 1945USS Ommaney Bay (CVE 79)Escort carrierCasablanca 
US Navy6 Jan 1945USS Hovey (DMS 11)DestroyerClemson 
US Navy6 Jan 1945USS Long (DMS 12)DestroyerClemson 
US Navy7 Jan 1945USS Palmer (DMS 5)DestroyerWickes 
US Navy10 Jan 1945USS LCI(L)-974 (LCI(L)-974)Landing Craft InfantryLCI 351 
US Navy11 Jan 1945USS YMS-14 (YMS-14)MinesweeperYMS 
US Navy12 Jan 1945USS LCI(L)-600 (LCI(L)-600)Landing Craft InfantryLCI 351 
US Navy12 Jan 1945USS Swordfish (193)SubmarineSargo 
US Navy14 Jan 1945USS PT 73Motor torpedo boatHiggins 78' 
US Navy21 Jan 1945USS LCT 253 (LCT 253)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US Navy24 Jan 1945USS Extractor (ARS 15)Salvage vesselAnchor 
US Navy28 Jan 1945USS PT 338Motor torpedo boatELCO 80' 
US Navy31 Jan 1945USS PC-1129 (PC-1129)Patrol craftPC-461 
US Navy1 Feb 1945USS PT 77Motor torpedo boatHiggins 78' 
US Navy1 Feb 1945USS PT 79Motor torpedo boatHiggins 78' 
US Navy4 Feb 1945USS Barbel (316)SubmarineBalao 
US Navy9 Feb 1945USS LST 563 (LST 563)Tank landing shipLST (Mk 2) 
US Navy11 Feb 1945USS LST 577 (LST 577)Tank landing shipLST (Mk 2) 
US Navy14 Feb 1945USS YMS-48 (YMS-48)MinesweeperYMS 
US Navy16 Feb 1945USS LCS(L)-26 (LCS(L)-26)Landing craft supportLCS 
US Navy16 Feb 1945USS LCS(L)-49 (LCS(L)-49)Landing craft supportLCS 
US Navy16 Feb 1945USS LCS(L)-7 (LCS(L)-7)Landing craft supportLCS 
US Navy17 Feb 1945USS LCI(L)-474 (LCI(L)-474)Landing Craft InfantryLCI 351 
US Navy21 Feb 1945USS Bismark Sea (CVE 95)Escort carrierCasablanca 
US Navy5 Mar 1945USS LCS(L)-127 (LCS(L)-127)Landing craft supportLCS 
US Navy20 Mar 1945USS Kete (369)SubmarineBalao 
US Navy26 Mar 1945USS Halligan (DD 584)DestroyerFletcher 
US Navy28 Mar 1945USS Skylark (AM 63)MinesweeperAuk 
US Navy28 Mar 1945USS Trigger (237)SubmarineGato 
US NavyApr 1945USS Snook (279)SubmarineGato 
US Navy1 Apr 1945USS LST 884 (LST 884)Tank landing shipLST (Mk 2) 
US Navy3 Apr 1945USS YMS-71 (YMS-71)MinesweeperYMS 
US Navy4 Apr 1945USS Dickerson (DD 157)DestroyerWickes 
US Navy4 Apr 1945USS LCI(L)-82 (LCI(L)-82)Landing Craft InfantryLCI 1 
US Navy4 Apr 1945USS LST 675 (LST 675)Tank landing shipLST (Mk 2) 
US Navy6 Apr 1945USS Bush (DD 529)DestroyerFletcher 
US Navy6 Apr 1945USS Colhoun (ii) (DD 801)DestroyerFletcher 
US Navy6 Apr 1945USS Emmons (DD 457)DestroyerBristol 
US Navy7 Apr 1945USS LST 447 (LST 447)Tank landing shipLST (Mk 2) 
US Navy8 Apr 1945USS PGM-18 (PGM-18)Patrol craftPC-461 
US Navy8 Apr 1945USS YMS-103 (YMS-103)MinesweeperYMS 
US Navy12 Apr 1945USS LCS(L)-33 (LCS(L)-33)Landing craft supportLCS 
US Navy12 Apr 1945USS LCT 66 (LCT 66)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 5) 
US Navy12 Apr 1945USS LST 493 (LST 493)Tank landing shipLST (Mk 2) 
US Navy12 Apr 1945USS Mannert L. Abele (DD 733)DestroyerAllen M. Sumner 
US Navy16 Apr 1945USS Pringle (DD 477)DestroyerFletcher 
US Navy22 Apr 1945USS LCS(L)-15 (LCS(L)-15)Landing craft supportLCS 
US Navy22 Apr 1945USS SC-1019 (SC-1019)Submarine chaserSC-497 
US Navy22 Apr 1945USS Swallow (AM 65)MinesweeperAuk 
US Navy23 Apr 1945USS PE-56 (PE-56)Patrol craftEagle 
US Navy24 Apr 1945USS Frederick C. Davis (DE 136)Destroyer EscortEdsall 
US Navy2 May 1945USS YMS-481 (YMS-481)MinesweeperYMS 
US Navy3 May 1945USS Lagarto (371)SubmarineBalao 
US Navy3 May 1945USS Little (ii) (DD 803)DestroyerFletcher 
US Navy3 May 1945USS LSM(R) 195 (LSM(R) 195)Medium landing ship (rocket)LSM(R) 188 
US Navy4 May 1945USS LSM(R) 190 (LSM(R) 190)Medium landing ship (rocket)LSM(R) 188 
US Navy4 May 1945USS LSM(R) 194 (LSM(R) 194)Medium landing ship (rocket)LSM(R) 188 
US Navy4 May 1945USS Luce (DD 522)DestroyerFletcher 
US Navy4 May 1945USS Morrison (DD 560)DestroyerFletcher 
US Navy18 May 1945USS Longshaw (DD 559)DestroyerFletcher 
US Navy20 May 1945USS LST 808 (LST 808)Tank landing shipLST (Mk 2) 
US Navy25 May 1945USS Bates (DE 68)Destroyer EscortBuckley 
US Navy25 May 1945USS LSM 135 (LSM 135)Medium landing shipLSM 
US Navy28 May 1945USS Drexler (DD 741)DestroyerAllen M. Sumner 
US Navy8 Jun 1945USS Salute (AM 294)MinesweeperAdmirable 
US Navy10 Jun 1945USS William D. Porter (DD 579)DestroyerFletcher 
US Navy16 Jun 1945USS Twiggs (ii) (DD 591)DestroyerFletcher 
US Navy18 Jun 1945USS Bonefish (223)SubmarineGato 
US Navy18 Jun 1945USS YMS-50 (YMS-50)MinesweeperYMS 
US Navy21 Jun 1945USS LSM 59 (LSM 59)Medium landing shipLSM 
US Navy26 Jun 1945USS YMS-365 (YMS-365)MinesweeperYMS 
US Navy26 Jun 1945USS YMS-39 (YMS-39)MinesweeperYMS 
US Navy9 Jul 1945USS YMS-84 (YMS-84)MinesweeperYMS 
US Navy11 Jul 1945USS SC-521 (SC-521)Submarine chaserSC-497 
US Navy24 Jul 1945USS Underhill (DE 682)Destroyer EscortBuckley 
US Navy27 Jul 1945USS LCT 1050 (LCT 1050)Landing craft tankLCT (Mk 6) 
US Navy28 Jul 1945USS Callaghan (DD 792)DestroyerFletcher 
US Navy30 Jul 1945USS Indianapolis (CA 35)Heavy cruiserPortland 
US Navy6 Aug 1945USS Bullhead (332)SubmarineBalao 

448 Allied warship losses located.

Losses by navy

Royal Navy Royal Navy (1110)
US Navy US Navy (490)
Soviet Navy Soviet Navy (138)
French Navy French Navy (95)
Royal Dutch Navy Royal Dutch Navy (59)
Royal Canadian Navy Royal Canadian Navy (31)
Royal Hellenic Navy Royal Hellenic Navy (26)
Royal Norwegian Navy Royal Norwegian Navy (23)
Royal Australian Navy Royal Australian Navy (16)
Royal Indian Navy Royal Indian Navy (12)
Polish Navy Polish Navy (12)
Free French Navy Free French Navy (9)
Italian Navy Italian Navy (7)
United States Coast Guard United States Coast Guard (5)
Brazilian Navy Brazilian Navy (2)
Royal New Zealand Navy Royal New Zealand Navy (2)

This page shows all the Allied warships lost during World War Two. The page optionally is divided by navy for more compact listing.

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