U-boat patrols

Patrol info for U-965

Date lookup for 20 Jul 1944

DepartureArrival / FateDuration
23 Jun 1944Bogenbucht23 Jul 1944Narvik31 days


Officers *

Oblt. Günter Unverzagt

Ltn. Werner Zapf

U-965's position on 20 Jul 1944

Ships hit by U-965 on this date

General Events during this patrol

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Attacks on U-965 during this patrol

20 Jul 1944
13.05 hrs, Norwegian Sea: a British Liberator bomber (RAF Sqdn 59/N, pilot FO D.A. Willows) on A/S patrol attacked after locating U-965 on radar. The Liberator passed two miles astern to take up a favourable attack position on the starboard beam. As it approached, the 37mm AA gun jammed on firing the first round and both men manning the 20mm twin gun on the port side were hit by machine gun fire [Matrosenhauptgefreiter Willibald Niederle died and Bootsmaat Lütjen was wounded]. Luckily for the U-boat, the depth charges failed to release when the Liberator passed over her stern because the lock-select lever was not fully engaged. U-965 then escaped by diving, and seven depth charges were dropped about 40 seconds afterwards. Two small streaks of oil, an oval life raft and two pieces of wood were sighted by the crew of the Liberator when it returned to the scene approx. 90 minutes later, but the U-boat was undamaged, and remained submerged until the aircraft departed. Mhg Niederle was buried at sea at 22.05 hrs. (Sources: ADM 199/1786)

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* These are officers that later became commanders themselves.

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